Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TOLO?

Abbreviation for: Tits Out Legs Open

"I hope it's a TOLO kind of night"

"I was feeling so TOLO last night"

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TOLO - meme gif

TOLO meme gif

TOLO - video


TOLO - what is it?

To Our Love of Oreos. This is the official hype term of the Equinox Percussion Cymbal Line, formerly known as the Palmetto Percussion Cymbal Line. The Equinox Percussion Cymbal Line is known for eating an absurd amount of Oreos during a rehearsal, as well as a ritual before performances. It is often written with a hashtag.

Person 1: On the next break, do you want to grab some Oreos?

Person 2: Heck yeah man! TOLO
Person 1: #TOLO

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What does "TOLO" mean?

Shortened word for Toilet

Brooke: I gotta take a shite.

Erin: Go use the TOLO then.

Antonio: Be careful I just blew that TOLO up.

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TOLO - what does it mean?

Acronym for Tits Out Legs Open. Used to inform the ladies what you expect them to do. Created after YOLO

Yo Bitch! TOLO!

Tits out legs open!

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TOLO - meaning

Tits Out Legs Open

TOLO party only babe.

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TOLO - definition

Tools only live once

Drunk Tool: YOLO

Everyone else: TOLO

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TOLO - slang

Tits Out Legs Open, often used by studs. Girls absolutely fall for Tolo, and there is a new song by Drake Called TOLO, in which he say YOLO was a problem but TOLO is the solution to it. IT is also Often used by Pussay Patroller.

Guys look Pepo the dog is toloing me.
you know a girl wants you when she TOLO's you
FUck YOLO We follow TOLO

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An abbreviation for: Tits Out Legs Open.
Often used by slutty people.
Person 1: Did you have sex with him?
Person 2: Yeah, TOLO right?!

Person 1: Was she a TOLO girl?
Person 2: Yeah it was awesome.

Person 1: Did you have sex with him?
Person 2: Yeah, TOLO right?!

Person 1: Was she a TOLO girl?
Person 2: Yeah it was awesome.

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Thou Only Liveth Once

Check thine self, before thou recks thine self, for thou only liveth once. TOLO!

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Boyfriend- "Hey babe, TOLO"

Girlfriend- (tolo in front of crowd)

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