Definder - what does the word mean?

What is THICKE?

A woman that has a natural rack and juicy thighs.

Hey thickness I need you to pick me up from the airport.

Beyonce, Ashanti, Serena Williams.....

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THICKE - meme gif

THICKE meme gif

THICKE - video


THICKE - what is it?

a girl who isn't fat or skinny, but is well proportioned, has enough meat on her bones in all the right places, most men like the thick ones

I'm thick and I'm glad my boyfriend likes it that way!

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What does "THICKE" mean?

πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜›πŸ˜ˆπŸ€‘πŸ™€πŸ’…πŸΈπŸŒπŸ”₯πŸ…πŸ€Έ β™‚οΈπŸœπŸ›Œ
an iconic song from the "Backyardigans" it gained popularity on the app tiktok you may have heard it before but the app is very unpopular anyways... the singers are the 5 characters Tyrone Uniqua Tasha Pablo and Austin they all use their wonderful singing voices and talent to come together and create a wonderful song that brought grace and holy-ness to us fellow listener pray the Backyardigans

Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it (ugh)
We're tramping through the bush
On and on, we push
Into the thick of it
But we can't see where we're going
We've made a stellar start to find our jungles heart
But all we'll find is nothing if we can't see where we're going
Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it
But we can't see where we're going
Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it
But we can't see where we're going (ugh)
The jungle's kind of tricky, the path is never straight
And sometimes there's no path at all, which makes it hard to navigate
Although the jungle's thick, we're moving through it quick
But that won't do us any good if we're going around in circles
Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it
Into the thick of it
We're going 'round in circles (ugh)
These trees look so familiar
We've been here once before
You're right, except it wasn't once
It was three times or four
Stuck in the thick of it
Stuck in the thick of it
Stuck in the thick of it
We've gone around in circles

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THICKE - what does it mean?

A woman with a perfect body, filled-in in places that are, by nature, designed to attract the opposite sex, such as the thighs, the hips, the breasts, and the most lovely part of all, the booty.

For heaven's sake, she is so fucking thick.

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THICKE - meaning

A thick drink used for medical purposes

Drunken by Mark and Ethan on Unus Annus

Thick It Song

If you wanna suck it, then you suck it
If you wanna thick it, then you thick it
If you wanna suck it, then you suck it
If you wanna thick it, then you thick it

If you wanna hit it, drink some thick it
If you wanna hit it, drink some thick it

If you wanna suck it, then you suck it
If you wanna, if you wanna, if you wanna
Drink some thick it

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THICKE - definition

Genitalia area. Referring to primarily the penis. Usually said while pointing to or suggesting towards the crotch.

Made famous on American Dad by Stan.

"Maybe tonight I'll introduce her to THE THICKNESS!"

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THICKE - slang

nice ass, nice legs, not skinny, with meat on your bones. thickness is the shit.

Damn that girl is thick yo!

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When your friend thinks hes better than he is, and ends up fucking over the whole squad.

"Bro, that asshole just Thicked us."
"Let's ban him, then kill him"

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Fucked over by your friend

You just thicked me jackass

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A term used to describe someone with a very attractive, meat-on-the-bones type of body alongside a pitiable stupidity.

Yes, both fortunately and unfortunately, my girlfriend is the winning poster girl for thick-thick.

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