Definder - what does the word mean?

What is THE RINK?

To rink means to decide not to do your work after work.

I had an eight-hour day at the daily grind, i'll just rink when I get home.

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THE RINK - video


THE RINK - what is it?

to shove lemon juice up your pee hole then impregnate a lime and make lemon lime babies

steve: im rinking off righ tnow

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What does "THE RINK" mean?

A combonation of 'reek' and 'stink'. Mostly used by people who cannot make up their mind.

John: Dude, your laundry rinks!
Tom: Well I haven't washed it yet, meathead.

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THE RINK - what does it mean?

to glide imperterbably around an ice surface using knee action, facial projection, as well as perfect posture.

The whole synchronized skating team was beautifully rinking around the ice, while Anne was STRUGGLING to deceifer between Holly's fat lip or a cold sore on her face.

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THE RINK - meaning

Rink is used to say to some one they smell horrible and need to take a shower

Alex mate you rink go take a shower

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THE RINK - definition

To shove, or have shoved, an ice cube into ones anus.

I tried rinking just now, and my anus is still numb from the experience.

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THE RINK - slang

1. being very cocky

2. to screw things up

3. to butt in to others conversations

4. to copy or imitate cooler kids than himself/herself (everyone)

A kid is wearing a backwards hat with a puffy coat in nice weather and walking with a fake swagger.

Much cooler kid: dude your really rinkin it man

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abbreviation for ridiculous, used on its own or in combination with other abbreviations such as "totes" or "cray cray"

omg, last night was so rinks

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Jerking off in a discord voice call.

I sure do love rinking with my friends!

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An alarmingly young looking man who receives great attention from your local neighborhood GILF.

GILF 1: "I got my talons on another Rinke last night!"

GILF 2: "I hope my next one doesn't want to many PS3 games."

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