Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TANAKA?

a choong ting

de pengest boy you'll ever see

girl 1:gyal do u see wat i see
girl 2:yeh dats 1 heck of a tanaka

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TANAKA - meme gif

TANAKA meme gif

TANAKA - video


TANAKA - what is it?

a way of saying penis ( in a gangsta way )

the guy has a huge tanaka

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What does "TANAKA" mean?

Japanese word for Big Dick Nigger.

When he pulled down his pants she said, "Dang! you're a Tanaka".

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TANAKA - what does it mean?

it's better than the best, a euphoric feeling....can't get any better than this! It's the way little green men make you feel!

T-T-TANAKA! It's like being at that point before you cum!

He was so sexy! I couls slop him up with a piece of bread. Tanaka!

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TANAKA - meaning

Although Japanese in origin, Tanaka may signify a lonely polish woman who backs out of doing fun things with close friends at the last minute for the sole purpose of feeling wanted. Seen most frequently in children who were raised with no siblings, this behavior is a survival mechanism which enables the individual to exist without any close friends.
Without exception, a male Tanaka has a small penis.

guy1: "I can't come skiing with all of you this weekend because I hurt my knee on the treadmill."

guy2: "typical... you are pulling a Tanaka."

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TANAKA - definition

The secret war name of the Indian tribe that fucked up George Armstrong Custer at the "Last Stand".

As in: "The Tanaka Indians put an end to that Custer bullshit."

Since then, the phrase has often been shortened to tanaka, which in English means: Take Names And Kick Ass.

Typically used to describe the act of cutting through the bullshit and getting down to brass tacks.

"Those guys were so lazy, I had to tanaka the shit out of them just to get the project done."

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TANAKA - slang

Bald boy. From Haikyuu. 2nd year. Very chaotic

Tanaka is a big boy

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A bald man who is in love with a female named Kiyoko. Also the only straight man on his volleyball team

Kiyoko: ...

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A word that describes that one insomniac you can gossip with, vent to, laugh and cry with. The only way you can really understand Tanaka is by listening to their voice notes while eating.

I had pancakes at 1am because Tanaka was awake.

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Unisex Zimbabwean Shona name. One of the most common. Literally meaning we are good. It can be interpreted to mean, now that you have been born to us we are good/happy/complete

Tanaka is awesome.

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