Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Swayed?

A Mix between the two words "Swag" and "Slay" originating from Twitter In January of 2023

Person 1: Dude, look at this cool internet video I found!
Person 2: Bro, That Guy looks so Sway.

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Swayed - meme gif

Swayed meme gif

Swayed - video


Swayed - what is it?


"He's on the sway"
"Just going to go pick up some sway bro"

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What does "Swayed" mean?

For a complete definition, see the deleted scenes from Spike Lee's 25th Hour. (Does not lend itself to paraphrasing.)

"Sway helps you make money and money helps make you sway. But sway is not money."

"Sway is walking into the best five star restaurant in the city, without a reservation and being seated immediately."

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Swayed - what does it mean?

Its another world for "fam"

Jake: "8+2=5"
Jeremiah "how sway"

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Swayed - meaning

Sway is everything that swag is plus more.Sway is having swag plus a big hairy pair of balls that sway back and forth when you're struttin' your swag.

Sway is like swag plus or swag 2.0.It's swag except it sway better.

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Swayed - definition

cool, someone can be sway or something article of clothing can be sway

Those sunglasses are sway.
John is pretty sway.

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Swayed - slang

When you use flirting to convince someone to join your side in an argument or to win an argument

Emmy is totally swaying Ricky into letting her win

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(noun) an acronym for Someone Who Ainโ€™t You, when the speaker, You, and those in the know understand that the person to whom the speaker is referring to as SWAY is absolutely and totally YOU. But so fuckinโ€™ what, youโ€™re SWAY and theyโ€™re more than likely SWIM, are either of you ever gonna quit being such low-lifeโ€™s????

Nikkiโ€™s attractive muse found Nikki by himself sitting under a bridge. She already knew the answer, she just wanted to let him know that she knew. He looked destitute and famished, but not from malnutrition. Nodding at the graffiti on the bridge, Shannon asked, โ€œThatโ€™s quite a clever message, donโ€™t you think? I was told that SWAY created thatโ€. Nikki nodded in agreement, adding โ€œAnd itโ€™s such an understatementโ€ฆ.โ€ going on describing to her in explicit and intimate detail his own desires for her that provoked her interest. In short, those magic, heartfelt words got Nikki between Shannonโ€™s legs for the weekend where they ended up coming bucketfuls from beginning to end and understood a new level of friendship between them.

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A ultimate rank of perfection and freshness that only certain individuals hit.

Matt Miller is Sway.

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Being drunk or impaired by drinking

โ€œHey bro, Iโ€™m so swayed after having the bottle jack Daniels

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