Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sussy imposter balls?

This basically just means sus, but longer and more formal

Ayo bro, Jeremy's acting real sussy among us imposter balls over there

👍37 👎11

Sussy imposter balls - video


Sussy imposter balls - what is it?

When you have much sex with a female but your chode is so wide that she queefs very loudly and it smells like cookies and then you realize that girl is actually santa claus!!1!1!!!1!!!

I had some nice sussy baka imposter balls last night with yur mum

👍85 👎13

What does "Sussy imposter balls" mean?

Sussy imposter balls are the manufactured balls that are surgically implanted into artificial scrotii of a transgender person or someone who lost their testicles. (possibly rape dwarf related)

The traps in the red light district have sussy imposter balls
Drag Queen sussy imposter balls
Amogus sussy imposter balls
Kanye East got the sussy imposter balls from fortnite

Sussy imposter balls torture (gone sexual)
Candice sussy imposter balls fit in your mouth

👍71 👎21