Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Subbie?

an endearing term for a submissive partner (usually female) in a D/s (Dominant/submissive) relationship

Dom "be a good subbie and suck my cock"
Subbie " thank you Sir"

👍115 👎97

Subbie - meme gif

Subbie meme gif

Subbie - video


Subbie - what is it?

Short for Subaru. Popular term with the import tuner crowd.

Yo Debo, That Subbie STI just owned that turbo hatch in the quarter!

👍145 👎121

What does "Subbie" mean?

Short for Subhan and it can also be used as a man who has nothing to lose and also be used to say he is a savage.

He was a Subby

👍37 👎15

Subbie - what does it mean?

A term used in the construction industry for a subcontractor.

Hows John these days?

Oh, not bad. Last I heard he was working for some auld subbie in Brum.

👍197 👎85

Subbie - meaning

The submissive partner in a BDSM relationship.

Mistress Angelique had come to the party with her subbie.

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Subbie - definition

Submitter, as used on in the comments thread to refer to the person who wrote the funny headline.

Nice headline, Subby!

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Subbie - slang

short for submissive. eager to please his/her Master.

I am His subby.

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A person who types slower than 100 wpm.
-adjective -ness
possessing the traits of a subbie.

Jon is such a subbie.
Jon's subbieness is tantamount to that of a slug's.

👍33 👎91


A teacher that doesn't really teach you shxt. And constantly tries to set rules and be strict, knowing damn well they ain't doing a thing.

Destiny: *Walks into class*

(Yells) "Subbie!"

Actual teacher: 😒

Angela: Mr. Jones is such a subbie! He doesn't really teach anything.

👍31 👎51


A superhero that was partners with the sub-mariner.

"I have never heard of Subbie the superhero before!"

👍37 👎95