Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Straight A's?

to be ok with how things are going.

"you want a piece?"
"no man, im straight"

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Straight A's - video


Straight A's - what is it?

A membership program for anyone that identifies as anything other than straight and comprised mostly of blue heard influencers from Instagram and tiktok, and the monthly payment is made in the form of losing 25% of your present braincells and dignity and shouting while trying to call out and cancel everyone for using wrong pronouns, even if they don't personally know the person in question.

Jimothy: ah did you hear about Alyssa, i heard she became a straight+ member ever since she downloaded tiktok
Carl: Ah, how unfortunate, she actually used to be a reasonable human being back in the day

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What does "Straight A's" mean?

Taking the road less traveled by

Ross and Oliver- "What do you mean you 'these things just happen'? How can you justify ass sex??"
Antonio - "Straight to the A, man, straight to the A."

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Straight A's - what does it mean?

1. heterosexual
2. used to describe a person who does not participate in "dangerous" activity such as drugs, alchohol, sex or criminal activity. A good girl/guy.
3. to tell it straight - to tell the truth
4. see straight up

1. Did you see how he reacted to that guy coming on to him? He is so straight.
2. Sally is so straight, she never breaks any rules.
3. "You being straight?"
"Seriously, it really happened."

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Straight A's - meaning

Being Straight is the quality or characteristic of being romantically, and sexually attracted to the opposite sex or gender. Straight men are attracted to women, and straight women are attracted to men. Being Straight is the most common sexual orientation in the world. People who are Straight are also referred to as "Heterosexual"

Straightness is the basis of civilization due to the fact that it leads to procreation, and reproduction which is crucial to the survival of any species.

We would not exist without our straight parents.

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Straight A's - definition


boy: so you mad?

Her:nah Iā€™m straight

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Straight A's - slang

A phrase synonymous with "it's all good" or "don't worry about it." This idiom starkly contrasts with its polar opposite phrase, "that's gay." I'm not sure when sexuality became a parallel point of reference for agreeability.

Guy 1: Hey man, I know I owe you 20 bills, but is it cool if I pay you back next week?

Guy 2: It's straight.

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Straight A's

2 dudes chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz their not gay

Im Straight

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Straight A's

1. To get all A's in school

2. A girl who has A size breast

1. "I got all Straight A's this semester!"


Guy1: Have you seen the new girl?
Guy2: Yeah she defenietly has Straight A's, in everything!
Guy1: Haha yeah.

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Straight A's

To get straight A's at school or college is to get the best grade in exams and papers

Camille is so smart, she always gets straight a's in all the subjects.

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