Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Squaz?

Small amount of liquid (usually beer) left in a bottle or can.

Tommy is the squaz king. He never finishes his beers.

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Squaz - meme gif

Squaz meme gif

Squaz - video


Squaz - what is it?

Any fluid or semi-fluid residue that you wouldn't want to touch with your hands.

He wouldn't shit in the club bathroom because there was so much squaz on the seats.

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What does "Squaz" mean?

The past-tense act of SQUEEZE

Dude get the camera!! Do you have any idea how long I squaze to get that shit out?!

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Squaz - what does it mean?

The past tense word for "squeeze"

There was a pimple on my face earlier, so I squaz it.

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