Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Spicy boi?

A term used to make fun of your male friends/ coworkers when they're having a rough time

Michael: God im getting shitted on
Devin: Does your spicy boi pussy hurt?

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Spicy boi - video


Spicy boi - what is it?

Fire ants

"Ouch, I just got bit by some smol spicy bois"

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What does "Spicy boi" mean?

"Spicy Boi" is a text that has been posted on all of Hillary Clintons instagram photos. It originated from the ifunny user Icarlyfetish asking everyone to post "Spicy Boi" under all of her photos,It did not come from Redditfag at all.

Poster:Spicy Boi

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Spicy boi - what does it mean?

Suburban dad in Maplewood/South Orange NJ who’s a member of a WhatsApp group chat of the same name.

Who’s going to be at this party?

Oh you know, the spicy bois and th-
Ok cool but… like… you know I was up till like 1130 last night shelling those chestnuts for that damn Real Simple recipe right? Why are you pretending you didn’t know it was those idiots all along. I swear I don’t understand you sometimes, like how your brains works…

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Spicy boi - meaning

"Spicy Boi" is a text that has been posted on all of Hillary Clintons instagram photos. It originated from the ifunny user Icarlyfetish asking everyone to post "Spicy Boi" under all of her photos,It did not come from Redditfag at all.

Poster:Spicy Boi

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Spicy boi - definition

"Spicy Boi" is a text that has been said thousands of times under about every instagram photo Hillary Clinton has. "Spicy Boi" originated from a reddit post that was posted on july 17th 2016. The Reddit post was asking for everyone to write "Spicy Boi" under all of Clintons instagram posts.

If you see this join the movement..

Spicy boi

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Spicy boi - slang

What you call someone who has the dankest memes.

"Ayy Fam."
"That guy Aiden showed me a meme. He's a pretty spicy boi."

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Spicy boi

Spicy Bois, are multiple small creatures that are mistakenly called "fire ants".
They are the dankest animals out there, in possession of the dankest of memes.

Gerald: Hey, look, a fire ant nest!
Hermann: You. Are. Wrong.

*spicy bois consume Gerald*
Gerald: AHHHH---

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Spicy boi

"Spicy Boi" is the politically correct term for fire ant. Originally started as an online petition on and was started by a man who claimed to have spoke with fire ants and that they wish to be called spicy bois.

Mitch:Look at those fire ants.
Derek:Triggered! Those are spicy bois.

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Spicy boi

fire ants. the worst little motherfuckers.

ah, i got bitten by spicy boys again.

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