Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Slutton?

trap slutton is a trap house in the ghetto trenches. all the tramps belong there.

yo iā€™m gonna go slide to trap slutton tonight

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Slutton - video


Slutton - what is it?

location of the biggest sluts in the world: julia ant maria n mr.giaimo; cvoered up as a laundrymat

yo bro wanna hit up the royal slutton today
yea sure bro i really need jewels to touch my woody

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What does "Slutton" mean?

An extremely violent and belligerent, alcoholic comulsive sex addict who a resident of the English town Sutton in Surrey; alias Slutton.

The Beast of Slutton is often seen in and around Sutton town centre frequenting various night clubs, car parks and public lavatories and is also seen from time to time in and around Croydon in South London, where she is known to be a frequenter of a heavy metal goth bar.
This woman can be easily recognised by the fact that she is usually absurdly dressed in a strange combination gothic and fettish clothing, usually consisting of leather boots and bare corsette and a black and green netted frill resembling some form of ludicrous tutu and is often seen carrying a whip.
This woman is further distinguishable by her apparent brazen willingness to committ acts of indescent exposure by exhibiting her bodily functions in public and without the slightest encouragement from anyone else.
Eye witness reports testify that this woman although deceptively calm when sober, is in actual fact an extremely dangerous, violent and sexually depraved dipsomaniac and has often been observed performing acts of blatant sexual exposure and direct sexual assault on complete strangers of both sexes at random. Furthermore this woman is known to have stalked some people and apparently often attempts to follow men home in the hope of some form of sexual gratification. Indeed it is said that she has often showed up alone on peoples front door steps in the early hours of the morning, demanding to be let in and pelting their windows with stones, whilst shouting obscene insults in burbling drunken stupor.
People who have seen her describe her as white, in her late twenties, short, slightly overweight and porsine and say that she is likely to be carrying sexually transmitted diseases.

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Slutton - what does it mean?

a small shit hole in the county on nottinghamshire which is over ran by, sluts, chavs, stoners and twats

slutton - in - trashfield is full of sluts

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Slutton - meaning

A person who engages in excessive prostitution.

Rafa is such a slutton; he keeps picking up girls in Amsterdam.

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Slutton - definition

A slutton is a person addicted to befriending sluts, or engaging in activity with them.A slutton seems to find comfort in the company of sluts, whether for sexual relief, or simply to make themselves feel better. Some sluttons do indeed join close friendships with sluts. Sluttons are mysterious but not uncommon creatures who can normallly be found in the phonebook of a slut.

"Why is he always hanging out with these girls?"
"I don't know, he's such a slutton".

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Slutton - slang

A male who cannot control his sexual attraction to promiscuous women. One who desires as much sex from promiscuous women as possible.

James used to sleep with the occasional nice girl, and some easy/loose girls, but he has become quite a slutton, now seeking only those girls with bad reputations.

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The fusion of the two "Seven Deadly Sins" . Sloth and glutton

John: That Randy just sits around all day and eats

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Married man who repeatedly cheats on his trophy wife with sluts and prostitues.

Arthur is always out high now doing the full slutton act on his Mrs!

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A fat, horny slut. Preys on the weak and vunerable.

"What the shit happened last night? I woke up in bed with *insert fat horny slut*"

"Yea you dont wanna get drunk around her, shes a slutton"

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