Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sloppy joes?

When a man ejaculates on his own hand and then slaps a chic on the face

Did u hear about Donna? Her and John went to the mop closet so she could swallow his load and he pulled out and nutted in his hand then slapped Donna. She had to walk out of mop closet with his nut on her face and in her hair.. All the office personnel now knows she's John's bitch.. He gave her the ol sloppy joe

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Sloppy joes - video


Sloppy joes - what is it?

An act in which your ass is applied to the victims face and you shit diarrhea. (similar to a teabag but much worse)

He gave me The Sloppy Joe and every thing smelt like shit for two weeks.

👍69 👎35

What does "Sloppy joes" mean?

A mixture of ground meat and usually a tomato sauce with diced onions and peppers and then served on a sandwich bun.Commonly Ketchup is used with the meat.Name is derived from the fact its a very "sloppy" sandwich to eat.

We had Sloppy Joes and salad for lunch today.

👍95 👎53

Sloppy joes - what does it mean?

Describing someone whose swagger is just messy, careless, and off.

Chris: haha look at that offbrand chump
James: yea man he be sloppy joeing

👍35 👎13

Sloppy joes - meaning

A delicious sandwich with beef in a flavored tomato sauce on a bun.

Best when eaten with Ruffles potato chips.

"Damn I'm hungry."
"I'll make some sloppy joes."

👍635 👎395

Sloppy joes - definition

When a guy pounds his girl extremely hard and makes her pussy bleed like hell!

Chad gave Kiersten a Sloppy Joe last night and had to take her to the emergency room for stitches!

👍447 👎229

Sloppy joes - slang

Get your dick sucked by a toothless prostitute.

Yulanda gives Sloppie Joe's for 5 cents.

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Sloppy joes

a slang term, used for a mixture of a blowjob and handjob, also known as a spitty handjob.

Cailin gave Jake a sloppy joe for his birthday.

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Sloppy joes

A sandwich made with hamburger meat and tomato sauce, eaten on a burger bun, you bunch of sickos.

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Sloppy joes

Having the runs unexpectedly. Being in danger of sharting oneself.

Bill: How was the caf?
Shaun: I had the sloppy joes.
Bill: I didn't see that on the menu.
Shaun: They weren't on the menu....

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