Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Skull Cap?

slamming a chick from behind,and clocking her in the back of the head with brass knuckles right after you blow.

jennny didnt know she wouldnt remember any of this tomorrow. she didnt know tommy was going to skull cap her, and knock her sorry ass out.

👍41 👎111

Skull Cap - video


Skull Cap - what is it?

The act of shooting someone in the head in such a manner that the top of their head flips off like a cap.

Man, I feel like skull capping some Nazis right now

👍57 👎101

What does "Skull Cap" mean?

NW DC slang for head, top piece, dome, suckin dick!!

That white bitch gives good skull cap

👍59 👎109

Skull Cap - what does it mean?

A thin, skin-tight hat piece.

👍163 👎21