Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Skillage?

(Pronounced, "s-kill-adj")
1. to be skilled at something.
2. to preform something that requires skill.
3. used as a complement when skill is being shown or preformed.

(Filip shows skill) Benchley says, "SKILLAGE! Man, Filip's got some crazy skill!"

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Skillage - video


Skillage - what is it?

a word to be used if someone has done a realy cool skill

wow thats skillage man

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What does "Skillage" mean?

to have skills;

Dude, thats some straight up skillage.

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Skillage - what does it mean?

aftrican bum diseas skillage

pronounced S-Kill-ij

Boy1:manuel has skillage on him
Manuel:iā€™m so sickage i have skillage

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Skillage - meaning

African bum disease.

Dude, Stewart's got skillage.

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Skillage - definition

Pronounced (Skill-LA-ge)

It means to have a collage of skill or wide variety of skills

She had some serious skillage at the dance.

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Skillage - slang

The Spillage of Skill

Wow! you pwnt that nubcake nekkid!! Thats uber skillage! :o

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When somebody performs some form of sporting skill

yes rude boy u got sum skillage

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A display of skill.

While playing NHL 09

-Player 1 gets raped-
Player 1: Dude how'd you deke me like that?
Player 2: Its just skillage.

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1) When you do something good and think its all down to your skill/knowledge or whatever, you just say skillage.
2) Or when someone does something good.
3) In football, When you take it around someone or Skill them you shout SKILLAGE

Brandon: Did you SEE THAT! Oh My God. That was sick.

Steve: Yeh, all you did was take the ball round me, dont be acting like your all hard.

Brandon: And? It was skill "Skillage".

So in actual Fact steve Got Pwned aswell :D

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