Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shoe Horn?

The male version of a women’s camel toe. A man and his β€œpackage” to tight in jeans showing a shoe horn type shape

Omg that guy has a serious dude camel toe like a shoe horn, ewe.

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Shoe Horn - video


Shoe Horn - what is it?

A hot girl with an ass so tight that you need a shoe horn to get your dick inside.

WOW - check out that Shoe Horn in the corner!

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What does "Shoe Horn" mean?

When a man has sexual intercourse with a women in the traditional doggie style position. He then proceeds to removes one of her spiked high heels and sticks it up her ass toe up, and grabs it like the horn of a saddle and rides it.

I did the shoe horn last night the bitch loved it.

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Shoe Horn - what does it mean?

A mans use of his thumbs to help insert a limp penis into female vagina. May also be a double shoe horn if one thumb does not assist the limp penis and requires both thumbs for full penetration. I’m some extreme cases a quadruple shoe horn has been reported which involves using a friends thumbs in addition to yours to penetrate.

Jason was so drunk the other night and couldn’t get hard. He had to use a double shoe horn to have sex with that chick.

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Shoe Horn - meaning

a handy dandy appliance used for making taking shoes off even easier

"i see your foot is stuck in your shoe, here borrow my shoe horn"

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Shoe Horn - definition

Verb | The act of 'slipping' something, such as an idea, political argument, or theory/concept into a conversation where it does not really fit; like using a shoehorn / shoe-horn to slip a foot into a tight-fitting shoe

"We were talking about the upcoming music festival when all of a sudden Harry and Arnold entered the conversation, continuously shoe-horning trump and politics

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Shoe Horn - slang

To Shoehorn is to put something into a space where it doesn't fit.

alot of game developers make a great storyline for a game, then shoe-horn multiplayer in at the last second, causing it to suck.

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Shoe Horn

Forced into a position or situation where, under normal circumstances, wouldn't have fit or belonged otherwise.

Much like the device the term was named after, it is awkwardly insisting something to be where it shouldn't.

The producer insisted the writers shoe horned a romantic sub-plot in what was supposed to just be a horror-themed crime drama.

"There was no opportunity in the conversation for Chris to talk about this thing that was only interesting to him, so he shoe-horned it into the conversation with an awkward segway."

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Shoe Horn

a no named asian hooker with a strap on, on her forehead

wow look at that shoe horn over their
''sucky sucky 5 dolla''

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Shoe Horn

Future climate modelling: to build a coupled atmosphere ocean climate model at the last moment and enter it into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) next Assessment Report. And then expect people to take climate change seriously based on the preliminary results.

"Who would be so crazy as to try and shoe horn a model into the IPCC?"

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