Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shit hoe?

Something of extreme ridiculousness.

Wow keisha really sucked my niggas dick in front of my 5 yr old. That's some next level hoe shit.

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Shit hoe - video


Shit hoe - what is it?

Dumb or Stupid ass shit.

Dat gurl need to get off dat BALD HEAD HOE SHIT!

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What does "Shit hoe" mean?

Women taking what we want and dismissing what we dont want. You're whatever we say you are. We know the difference between love and lust & we are completely sexually liberated in order to please ourselves and not take from the next. Fierce, independent dope ass soul ...but most of all... We do what we WANT. Cause Boy Fuck You!

I'm on my bald headed hoe shit tonight. Somebody nappy headed son bout tuh catch this work then ima ghost his ass.

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Shit hoe - what does it mean?

A hoe that ain’t loyal

Ayden: I can’t believe it, nicole left me for another guy but I guess bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks.
Harrison: yeah man she was a bitch

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Shit hoe - meaning

A very good thing. More like an escalated way of saying "that's great"

jimmy:"I just got a high score in pac man!"
Tommy:"yo that's some hoe shit!"

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Shit hoe - definition

An exclamation of surprise. Often exclaimed by Scottish Nerds.

"Hoe shit! My game wont work!"

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Shit hoe - slang

something worse than bull shit, usually used to express extreme negative emotion

Ray: King of Diamonds

Jason: King of Spades

Jessi: Ace of Spades

Jason: "That's some hoe shit!!"

Jason has now been set

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Shit hoe

1) shit that is just garbage / wannabe / bootleg / down right bullshit

2) anything fucked up you do to someone or someone does to you

3) c's up b's down

1) blood walk
2) your best friend fuckin your mom - hoe shit.
3) you already know

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Shit hoe

A person owning Valtrex

Wow did you see that bottle of valtrex, what a shit hoe!

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Shit hoe

a slut bag whore, who will do anything for you including giving road head and then being dropped off, giving you head in front of others, wanting to hook up with others while giving you head on the side, and performing oral sex and getting nothing in return even though she is completely naked.

I got some road head from that shit hoe while listening to some McFly in my car, then i proceeded to drop her off after i got off.

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