Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shammi?

Simplification of the word shaman. Often used in world of warcraft.

Dang, this shammy owns everyone.

Shammies are overpowered.

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Shammi - meme gif

Shammi meme gif

Shammi - video


Shammi - what is it?

1: a towel absorber to dry off vehicles.
2: the shamwow guy.
3: a sex legacy or a sex god.
4: the best fighter on the earth.
5: awesomeness.

example1: I used my shammy to dry off my vehicle.
example2: the shamwow guy was selling shamwows on tv.
example3: man that guy i slept with last night was really shammy.
example4: did you here about that shamrock guy i heard hes the worlds greatest fighter.
example5:i slept with that guy last night he was really shammy (awesome).

👍41 👎19

What does "Shammi" mean?

not a chinese guy wot u talkin bout?
shammi meand someone who is built like hell and can knok u down. u dont wanna mess with shammi's

that guy is shammi i tell you!

👍115 👎59

Shammi - what does it mean?

1. a nickname for Shamu
2. one currently under the impression that she is dating a rather tall boy, too bad it is in fact it is VERY over
3. also known as a lawn gnome
4. one who is obsessed with myspace
5. a poser who swipes everyone elses layouts, lyrics, etc
6. possibly a childhood star in Steven King's Cat's Eye
7. one who despises melons with jealousy
8. one who has more rolls than a bakery
9. one who is mistaken in thinking that she is attractive and well-liked
10. one who is very ample
11. sink or float is not an issue
12. seafoam green, how ironic; it is not slimming! next time try black to hide the waves

Who let shammy out of the ocean? not me.
The spokesperson for travelocity is Shammy.
Shammy needs to send food to the starving children in Ethiopia.
Shammy bowls with a Frog who cannot spell Ethiopia.
Mirrors worldwide fear Shammy.
You are looking quite shammy tonight, go on Weight Watchers.
Warner Bros misnamed their movie, it really should have been Free Shammy.
What a great line; watch out or Shammy might jack it.

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Shammi - meaning

an expensive rag used specifically for wipeing up nut

eww whats that?" "go get the shammy

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Shammi - definition

An obnoxiously cynical Owl that makes YouTube videos and, despite popular belief, does in fact have an upload schedule. Well known for his Game Reviews and "2 Dollars, 10 Games." video.

1. Damn I miss HIIMCAPSLOCK ... that Shammy guy is so mainstream.
2. "I wanna fuck the Krogan.." - Shammy

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Shammi - slang

A confused mix up between Koppaberg and Strongbow Dark Fruits

Can I please have a pint of shammy shammy

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relax, comfortable, chill out, bro down, cloud nine, peace of mind.

Usually happens when you have a day off, vacation, or you are in your pajamas all day.

Hey would you like to go to work all day? Hell no! Im off, im going to go get shammy.

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A person whose conduct deviates from the conventional, giving everyone around him the creeps.

This word has its origins from the Malayalam motion picture 'Kumbalangi Nights', where the antagonist Shammi, a family-man psychopath, breaks bad at times, making the people around him uncomfortable.

Naveen: Did ya see Ravi during the presentation? He was acting all weird with those irrelevant questions
Akhil: Told ya! He's a real Shammi

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Another word for a beautiful, independent and sexy girl, but if you piss her off then don't be surprised at the reaction...

Wow... That girl is Shammi!

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