Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shalomed?

"Perfect peace that passes understanding"! Completeness & wholeness in one's spirit,soul and body; well-being;safety;security;knowing God in an intimate way!

The Lord's shalom is guarding my heart and mind in Messiah!

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Shalomed - meme gif

Shalomed meme gif

Shalomed - video


Shalomed - what is it?

A quiet girl who is a master of disguise when it comes to emotions. She might not say a lot, but when she does it really sticks. She is someone who knows more than ordinary people would guess, and is a whole lot more than what she lets people see. And if you catch her even for a second when she lets down their guard, you'll see that she is truly someone special.


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What does "Shalomed" mean?

Hebrew word meaning hello goodbye and peace

hello john
wait are you leaving?

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Shalomed - what does it mean?

The new planking, chest out, arms out, butt out, look buff.

Shaloming around the ohio northern campus. anywhere any time

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Shalomed - meaning

A genuinely dope name for Incredible people. Others also find it easy to relate with them.

You can't be like me, my name is Shalom

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Shalomed - definition

Jimโ€™s greeting to Jackie when he is finally invited for a Friday night dinner.

Shalom to all

*throwa plate at the wall*

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Shalomed - slang

The Hebrew word for peace, used as a greeting.

Shalom, brother.

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shaยทlom (shรค-lm, sh-)
1. Used as a traditional Jewish greeting or farewell.

2. Peace

3. A name, which usually belongs to a particular type of person. You will find that Shaloms are generally tall. They often do not show their emotions easily, but when you look deeper you will see they have great depth. Although they aren't always introverts, it is common for them to be more quiet and withdrawn. They are often found to have a very sweet caring side, and easily make people feel loved. They often end up acting as a sibling to those around them. They are known for being sweet and caring friends who are generally very patience with the people they love. Although they do get upset, they generally do a good job of controlling their temper. They tend to be very logical and excellent in debates. It is common for them to show a great love for music.

Shaloms generally make great friends, and if you find yourself blessed with one you should hold on to them.

Shalom to you my brother!

Shalom to death. (peace to death)

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To leave abruptly, or without notice. Similar in use to 'dipped'.

"Hey have you seen Bode around anywhere?"
"Nah he fuckin Shalomed like an hour ago"

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The action of someone, often of Jewish descent, stealing something worth greater than or equal to five US dollars.

The Mass Media: "The results are in... Donald Trump has won the presidential election! Let's have a word with democratic candidate Bernie Sanders."
Sanders: "My nose is feeling especially long today. I haven't seen the results yet, but I believe this means that I've been shalomed."

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