Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shallow Hal?

Referring to a male who is into a fat, ugly, hit up chick. They truly see the "inner beauty". See the movie to understand better.

"I think he has Shallow Hal syndrome!"

👍63 👎29

Shallow Hal - video


Shallow Hal - what is it?

When someone sees the inner beauty of everyone because they know physical appearance can't be helped, but personality can. Due to this, they "see" people for who they really are. A beautiful person can remain beautiful looking to them, however if their personality is ugly, the person with Shallow Hal Goggles will not be interested.

Comes from the movie Shallow Hal, in which Hal is hypnotized to see people for who they are on the inside.

Compare and contrast beer goggles.

Bob: Anthony turned down a date with the hot head cheerleader! Is he stupid?

Alice: No, he just has Shallow Hal Goggles. He's not interested in someone mean and bitchy.

👍51 👎15

What does "Shallow Hal" mean?

Derived from the movie "Shallow Hal". A label given to one who consistently overestimates the attractiveness of other people.

Guy 1: "Damn, that girl is smokin'"
Guy 2: "Did you see the buck teeth on that bitch?
Guy 3 to Guy 1: "Shut the fuck up shallow hal"

👍129 👎79

Shallow Hal - what does it mean?

One who cannot see the beauty or attractiveness in anyone who does not fit "perfectly" in the "beautiful people" steriotype. A character flaw that causes one to judge another solely by unrealistic or perverted standards irregaurdless of the judged person's personality, abilities, character.

Julia is such a shallow hal, in college she was dismissive of who she considered the geekiest guy in america, she even told him he was useless: I wonder if she gets it now?

👍123 👎43