Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sexify?

The act of adding oomph or sex appeal to a woman's appearance; such as, wearing fish net stockings and high-heels, wearing dark pink or red colored clothing, wearing lipstick, or wearing a short or tight dress.

Dom:"Man, Sara's lookin' hot!"
Jake:" Yeah she is! She got Sexified, bro!"
Dom:"That's what's up!"

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Sexify - what is it?

The act of being desireable; Kelsey Stanley.

Shit she's sexified look at that ass!

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What does "Sexify" mean?

the preparation of making oneself desirable for sex

In order to sexify herself, Zoe bought lingerie.

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Sexify - what does it mean?

The act of being sexy. Making oneself sexy.

Karen: Cole did you just get out of the shower?
Cole: Yeah, My hair is all wet.
Karen: Damn your hair is sexified.

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Sexify - meaning

Something that is making a person appear sexy. Applies to either a piece of clothing, one's appearance or attitude.

Stephani is lookin' sexified!
"Whoa, Kristyn, you gonna get sexified tonight!"

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Sexify - definition

The most awesomest techni-rock band in history. They were created in Tampa, Florida and are known for their hit songs Fashion Police, Sexified Eroticness, Alaskan Pipeline, and Popped Collar Kid. Their new album, The Sounds Of Sexified Eroticness is dropping in August of 2005.

1.Holy Shit! The lead singer of the Sexifiers is so hot!

2.Hey guess what? The SexiFiers are coming to town.

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Sexify - slang

1) Act of self-satisfaction that may or may not involve sexual activity with a second person.

2) Incorporating knowledge from a SHAPE presentation to make yourself look and feel sexy in a socially, physically and emotionally responsible way.

Milly is going to sexify her study time with a little r & r.

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1. Sexify sex-uh-fie (verb): To completely satisfy someone sexually, usually through extended foreplay and creative physical stimulations.

2. Sexify sex-eh-fie (verb): To enhance one's own innate sexiness in attempts to get laid, or for self-esteem boosts.

1. You're so hot baby, I can't wait to sexify you allllllll night long.

2. After a long day of workin' I'm gonna go sexify myself and then hit the clubs.

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1. The Act of getting Sexy.
2. The process of getting ready to impress the ladies.

"I will be right back, I have to go sexify myself for this evening."

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verb- to make something or someone sexy.

Wearing a formal uniform will sexify a man.

"You need a makeover. Try an Army uniform to sexify your look."

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