Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Senee?

A phrase used by ancient Egyptian papyrus makers to emphasize the satisfaction associated with a well pressed sheet of paper, fresh off the smashing block.

β€œAnk waje sene!” exclaimed the pharaoh at the quality sheet of papyrus produced by his underlings.

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Senee meme gif

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Senee - what is it?



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What does "Senee" mean?

NOT someone who is a penis or something BAD not a MISTAKE but a person a girl yes a okay girl who is very smart and passes all her classes

woah is that sene she is REALLY cool i wish i was HWER friend

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Senee - what does it mean?

someone who isn't a penis OR something BAD and she isnt a MISTAKE she is vry smart has straight A's and is SUPER COOL like very cool probably too cool to be around she is AMAZIFN at yes.

woah yk sene u must be VERY lucky to know SEBE

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Senee - meaning

A boy who wears leggings a lot

β€œIm wearing leggings to match with sened

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Senee - definition

Our Lord

A: How's SeΓ±or Seneli?
B: Guacamole penis

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Senee - slang

A man who has it all. If you are named β€œSene” or a β€œSene” then it is because you have the knowledge and wisdom of god and also because you have a beautifully, sculpted physique.

Female 1: Hey, you know that guy there??
Female 2: Yeah, what about him?
Female 1: I’m pretty sure that’s β€œSene”
Female 2: OMG SERIOUSLY?!? WOOOWWWW!! Im gonna go and introduce myself
Female 1: No, don’t bother. No one’s worthy to be even looking at him let alone talking to him

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Did u hit e or f or s or x when u are trying to send (Send)

Hey I just sene someone a card

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Senee is an outgoing open minded person that always has a lot to talk about and alot on her mind and is usually pretty loud..she is very beautiful but doesn't care..she doesn't care what people think and she doesn't trust anyone so if she trust you your lucky you have an amazing friend

Wow that girl keeps her circle small ,and she's so pretty,must be senee

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Noun: The most pernicious little odious reptile nature ever suffered to walk upon the surface of the Earth.

I hated Michael, he was like a sene but worse, he was pure evil...

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