Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Seattle Seahawk?

They suck. What else is there to say?

49er fan #1: Did you see the 49ers vs. Seahawks game the other day??
49er fan #2: Yeah I was there and the Seattle Seahawks got their asses kicked, haha!

49er fan #1: Yeah!!! Fuck the Seahawks!
49er fan #2: Now let's destroy the Cowgirls!!

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Seattle Seahawk - video


Seattle Seahawk - what is it?

A football team that defines "mediocre". Their playing style is consistently like Seattle culture, i.e. they play like it would be impolite to ever ram a football down an opponent's throat and win big, because they'd "make someone feel bad". Even the superbowl appearance of a few years ago was embarassing. They're seldom excellent, and in the rare instances when they do well, it's because they're accidentally less bad than anyone else.

"Aw man, I missed the Seattle Seahawks game!"

"Don't worry, you didn't miss much. Like usual."

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What does "Seattle Seahawk" mean?

Professional American football team based in the Pacific Northwest corner of the United States. Everyone rips on them, but they've been to three Super Bowls in nine years. Robbed in XL, won XLVIII, and lost XLIX. (barely.) They currently have arguably the coolest blue uniforms in the league. Their stadium is a nightmare for visiting teams, because the Seahawks usually win at home, and also because of the constant rain and deafening crowd noise.

Hawks fan #1: "Why didn't the Seattle Seahawks run the damn ball on the one yard line?!?!?"
Hawks fan #2: "It happened. Let it go. At least they weren't robbed by the refs again."
Hawks fan #1: "Yeah... you're right. And having one Lombardi Trophy is a heck of a lot better than none."

👍33 👎13

Seattle Seahawk - what does it mean?

The NFL team reigning from Seattle. Also the team that whooped the "unstoppable" Broncos' offense in the ass at Super Bowl XLVIII (48), winning with a total score of 43-8, Seattle winning. To be honest I'm surprised Denver scored that many points on us.

After that first Denver play, you knew Seattle was going to win.

We also have the most kickass young team in the NFL along with the best fanbase. Suck on that you 40winers fans.

legion of boom 12th man

The Seattle Seahawks are the #1 team in the NFL, no joke

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Seattle Seahawk - meaning

Created as an expansion team in 1976, the Seahawks put up decent numbers in the 1980s with 5 playoff berths under long time quarterback Dave Krieg. However, the team struggled for many years during the 1990s. After a division crown in 1988, they failed to make the playoffs again until 1999. In recent years, the team has been much better with 3 straight playoff berths and an amazing offense. This past season in 2005, the team made the Super Bowl for the first time. However, they ended up on the losing end of the game, as the Steelers took the championship.

"The Seattle Seahawks, the league's leading offense, scores just 10 points in the Super Bowl, as the Steelers take home their 5th title."

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Seattle Seahawk - definition

A football team that can celebrate on January 2, 2011. A team with nothing to lose going forward in the 2010-2011 NFL season.

Seriously, any 49ers or Rams fan should be jealous; they get a second chance at the New Orleans Saints, oppirtunity that is golden for both teams.


Al Michaels: And the Seattle Seahawks are you 2010-2011 NFC West Champs!

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Seattle Seahawk - slang

the team that just raped Peyton Manning in the superbowl.

the team who has a defense that you want.

i love their defense, and i'm an Atlanta Falcons fan..

i'm jealous... but we'll be back in 2014! Rise up!

the Seattle Seahawks just made Peyton Manning look like Drew Brees.. and Drew brees has a ugly sh*t stain on his face.

👍237 👎61

Seattle Seahawk

The only team in NFL history to go to the playoffs with a 7-9 losing record and beat defending Superbowl champs.

Remember when Marshawn Lynch broke 8 tackles and the Seattle Seahawks booted the Saints out of the playoffs?

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Seattle Seahawk

When you shit on a person(or partner) from a considerable altitude during any sexual act with or without their initial consent. The Seahawk coming from a high altitude and since seattle is always rainy, the shit from a seahawk relates to the rainy season from Seattle thus meaning when you Seattle Seahawk someone you shit on them like rain from a considerable altitude.

BJ: Dang i was boning this party girl the other night and she asked me to get freaky.
Danger: Yeah wat did she want?
Bowser: Dont tell me a boston pancake?
BJ:Na, She asked me to Seattle Seahawk her from the top of her closet!
Danger:You serious dawg??
Boswer: Did you?
BJ: Fuck Yes!!!

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