Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sds?

Small Dick Syndrome. Having self esteem issues with your small weiner.
Common symptoms include: obtaining law enforcement careers, riding racing motorcycles, unusual unwaranted hostility (especially directed at couples), desperate fashion choices, excessive attempts of displaying "confidence", a social status of "single".

Did you see that chub on the crotch rocket? Talk about a serious case of SDS.

Our waiter is a total prick... he must have SDS.

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Sds - meme gif

Sds meme gif

Sds - video


Sds - what is it?

Self destruct

I'm done playing this game I'm gonna SD real quick

👍77 👎31

What does "Sds" mean?

abbreviation for so damn sad

this is the worst week ever ... sds
i failed my exams !! sds !

👍119 👎51

Sds - what does it mean?

San Diego

Welcome to da SD, niccuh/

👍1035 👎591

Sds - meaning

1) San Diego (City)
2) Sour Diesel (Marijuana)

I just took a trip to SD(1) and me and my homies there blazed some legit SD(2) there. It was dope.

👍633 👎327

Sds - definition

Sugar Daddy

i have to call my SD b/c i overspent my budget this month

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Sds - slang

SDS is another word for Seven Deadly Sins. Which is a very good anime.

Me: wanna watch SDS
You: Sure!
*Finds out meliodas dies*
You looking at this: AAAAAAAAAAAH SPOILERS

👍53 👎15


small dick syndrome, common occurance in extreme losers.

OMG Trav Has SDS!!!!!!

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SD / Sugar Daddy. A person who will buy gifts, pay bills, and spoil someone in exchange for something, usually sex.

I'm broke I don't have any groceries and my power bill is due. I need to fine me a sugar daddy. On craigslist people will say they are looking for SD.

👍527 👎201


A social media influencer's version of an apology.

S = Sad, because their apology is pretty sad.
D = Deflecting, because they never take responsibility for their actions.
S = Statement, they're not apologies because they never actually apologize, so it's a statement.

A: Did you here *insert influencer's name here* apology?
B: Nah bro, it wasn't an apology, it was an SDS

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