Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Scala?

Just a great person, known for his amazing among us talents and spectacular 8 pack!!! SOOOOO SEXY and is just all around a fantastic guy. ALSOOOOO gives great life advice

Look at Bennett Scala killing all those kids

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Scala - meme gif

Scala meme gif

Scala - video


Scala - what is it?

Noun: a item with an abundance of contradictory elements

Dunno how I felt about that gig, got high, got low, it was a total Scala.

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What does "Scala" mean?

Most common saying when one is so excited that they mutter their excitment in the form of jiberish.

Joey- " Did you see that brand new flavor of Twinkie?"
Mason- "Are you serious?"
Joey- "Yea, its grape flavored."
Mason- "OMG!!! Scala La Bingah!!!"

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Scala - what does it mean?

To put your ass in someones face and fart.

I just gave Plasker a good Scala Gas Pump

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Scala - meaning

To put your ass in someones face and fart

Wow, Dan just gave Ronnie one lethal dosage of Scala Gas.

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Scala - definition

A wannabe rapper who thinks they are hot shit with all the ladies but in reality is a total faggot and douchebag

You are acting like scala swag

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Scala - slang

a girl that likes black and red

sandra loves scala so much she wears it everyday.

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Unit of measurement for temperature. Usually associated with awsmes.

Damn it's hot in here, it's like 100Scalas!

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1) Teatro alla Scala, a famous opera house in Milan

2) An object-oriented programming language developed in Switzerland and targetted primarily at the Java Virtual Machine. It's a bit like Java, except with all the syntactical cruft removed, closures and first-class functions added, and an awesome collections library. This comes together to let you write code in about a quarter of the lines as for Java.

You can use it simply as a "better Java" (since Java classes are imported just as easily), as a fully fledged functional programming language, or something in between.

1) Andiamo a vedere un'opera lirica alla Scala!

2) Scala:

def reverseAdd(N: Int) = N.toString.reverse.toInt + N


public int reverseAdd(int N) {

String s = "" + N;

String v = "";

for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

v += s.charAt(i);


return N + Integer.parseInt(v);

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Fucked up and nonsense language used primarily by JVM plumbers to secure their jobs.

Simon: Yo, can you help me with this Scala crap!

David: Ask Gynn, he is the freak who wrote it.
Simon: Fuck me!

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