Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sawicki?

When you're simultaneously high and drunk at the same time, for the first time

John-What happened to you?
Alex-I had my Sawicki Baptism last night

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Sawicki - what is it?

An alcoholic beverage generally consisting of some brand of cheap Vodka (Svedka, Sobieski) and Crystal Light drink mix.

I'm ready to get drunk, I think it's time for a Paul Sawicki !

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What does "Sawicki" mean?

The cutest, prettiest, and most perfect girl in the whole world

Have you seen Clare Sawicki? She is so beautiful!

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Sawicki - what does it mean?

The best american polish people that are really cool and can make you laugh all the time, they never fail to put a smile on your face. They think its hard to say but it sounds how it looks. You can rhyme it with many things like β€œThicky Sawicki”. (Sa-wik-ie)

Wow that Sawicki is really Thicky.

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