Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sandblast?

This move from Western New York's wintery season requires precision and creativity, when you urinate on a car hood (writing your name in cursive), and the car's owner comes out and almost catches you, you quickly grab your high-power leaf-blower and shoot the mist of yellow-snow their way, but pretending you are doing them a favor by clearing their windshield. As said owner gets into their car you smile, elbow bump, and toss a turd from your backhand into the passenger seat for them to sit on and unsuspectingly. (you must be able to shit in your hand while maintaining conversation and not getting caught, while not squishing the poo). As the person drives away you smile, wave, and then smack the next person (onlooker) in the face with the remaining poo smears in your hand.

This guy is a real Houdini, managed to pull off the Elma Sandblaster on three unsuspecting people, while maintaining a straight face.

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Sandblast - meme gif

Sandblast meme gif

Sandblast - video


Sandblast - what is it?

Prior to intercourse, typically anal, the phallus, dildo or fingers are coated in an adhesive and dipped in sand. Following the coating, the penetrating object is used feverishly. Think of sand paper in a woodworking project. The OK sandblaster can be used in conjunction with many other techniques; the boston shocker, the mini van, the Houdini, the Eiffel tower, etc...

Dude1: Man, I'm thinking about going to this party tonight to hook up with Jenna.
Dude2: You don't want Jenna, trust me. Tim and I wrecked that bitch with an Oklahoma Sandblaster-Houdini combo last week and she'll never be the same.

👍133 👎31

What does "Sandblast" mean?

When you suck the menstrual fluid from a woman and spit it into her ass. She farts it onto your face, creating a silhouette of blood on the wall behind you. With ejaculate, you cum a face of semen on the image.

"Oh God, was there a murder?" "Nah, my girlfriend gave me a Singapore Sandblaster for our 6 month anniversary."

👍95 👎19

Sandblast - what does it mean?

A Tokyo Sandblaster is a scatological activity developed by Conan O'Brien for the Conan Show. It is defined as when one person has diarrhea, they place their ass close to their partner's face while firmly pressing their butt cheeks together. They then release their bowels, effectively blasting their partner in the face with a high pressure stream of shit, forcing them to squint and as a result creating the appearance of Asian features.

1. After Conan O'Brien's new show "Conan" Tokyo Sandblasted the shit out of the Tonight Show's ratings, he couldn't help but notice the shit running down his partners face bore a striking resemblance to the comedic stylings of Jay Leno.

2. Jay Leno enjoys Tokyo Sandblasters.

3. Conan is the shit, Jay Leno is a piece of shit.

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Sandblast - meaning

When a female uses the restroom to poop and following this, she goes the shower and bends over waiting for her male partner to come piss the feces off of her butthole. No wiping involved

Sarah was taking this huge shit yesterday and asked me to wipe her ass. Instead of that nasty ass shit I put her in the shower and sandblasted that shit right off

👍35 👎27

Sandblast - definition

when a guy is having sex with a girl on the beach, pulls out his penis, covers it with sand and rams it back in the vagina causing excruciating pain.

I was fucking pissed so i gave her a sandblaster

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Sandblast - slang

Extremely high and/or drunk - to the extent speech, walking, and basic tasks become impossible.

Dude, last night I got so high I couldn't figure out how to work my microwave. I was sandblasted!

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When cunnilingus is performed with a stubbly beard leaving a the woman chafed and raw.

"Dean was sandblasting me last night and now i can't walk or ride a bicycle."

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When you have dry, raw, lubrication-less sex until you are raw and in pain.


Having rawness or redness on your skin due to the friction of shaven stubble on your partner's pubic hairs during sex.

"Mark was sandblasting Zen until he was chaffed, red, couldn't walk and he couldn't feel his insides (or outsides)."

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The act of skeeting on a girls face then throwing sand at her and running away

"Dude what happened to that girl you took to the beach?"
"Oh I sandblasted her ass and took off"

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