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What is Salem High School?

A high school located in Salem, Oregon. Renowned for the excellent achievement at mediocrity.

The sports teams are often adept, with the exception of the volleyball team, comprised of girls who do nothing but yell really loudly.

South is well known for the food, which will probably kill you, and the student body, which might also kill you.

Especially when people walk around with uncapped drug needles and have sex on the bathroom floor without locking the door.

"Dude, did you see the boys bathroom? Someone wrote all over the walls in shit!"

"Dude, I know. Only at SSHS."

"Dude, I just beat this kid up for nothing!"
"Only happens at South Salem High School."

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Salem High School - video


Salem High School - what is it?

Crappy high school in Salem,Oregon.50% of students drop out before their senior year, and 99.5% of the remaining students go on to pump gas for the populace, who has been deemed too incompetent to pump their own gas.

North Salem High School sucks.

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What does "Salem High School" mean?

A school where all the rich kids are... If you think Sprague is bad then dont go to West. West is home to some of the snobbiest people you will ever meet. They think that they are the only thing on the planet earth. I mean there are a handful of really cool people, but not very many

Normal person: hello
Person from West Salem high school: did a bug just fly by?
Other person from west: no it was just that weirdo talking

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Salem High School - what does it mean?

A high school located in south Salem, Oregon. Has a horrific football team, mostly comprised of homosexuals. The members of the leadership team are mentally handicapped and are led by Mrs. August, who blatantly plays favorites. Not the school completely sucks, there are some great science teachers here and the head history teacher looks like Vladimir Lenin.

Thank God I'm graduating from South Salem High School

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Salem High School - meaning

A school that has an annual budget of five billion dollars a year. You are not allowed to live in their district unless your parents make at least six figures. Their school is filled with over achievers who are at the same time assholes. Their band program has won the state competition the last 200 years in a row and is headed by an insane beet-red fanatic who whacks his students with tubas if they don't practice 20 hours a day, 8 days a week. Their football team regularly beats up anyone who stands in their way in the hallways, and they have mediocre academics, preferring instead to focus on winning every single extra curricular competition on the planet.

West Salem High School is filled with rich jocks. Everyone who goes to West Salem High School parks their brand-new Mercedes-Benz's and lambos in the school parking lot. South Salem High School is obviously better than West Salem High School. O.

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Salem High School - definition

Worst school ever. Home of the snobby bitches who think they're better than everyone. I mean I gotta hand it to you there are a few kids who are just totes amazeballs but other than that like really don't go here. This school and all the people in it think they're better than everyone else like fr. So if your looking for a school and you'd like to be bullied or feel like a piece of shit who's hated by everyone else go ahead be my guest and go to west.

Person: hi what's your name?
west Salem high school kid: oh my god I can't even believe you tried talking to me, like go away peasant

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Salem High School - slang

Salem is a white school with a lot of fake people. Salem is very strict for no reason whatsoever. You literally can get isd for having your phone out,if you refuse you get suspended.

Salem high school: β€œGive me your phone” β€œno” β€œgo to the office” (Gets suspended for no doing what the teacher says.)

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Salem High School

everyone who complains about salem needs to realise that the world needs valets and trash collectors and they are one of them. 6 point grading scale gets looked at by colleges so stfu and stop smoking bowls kids

salem high school is cool

and that was a bigass run on

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Salem High School

Part of the famous P-CEP, or "The Park," in Canton, Michigan. PCEP has the largest high school campus in the United States and is composed of Canton High School, Plymouth High School, and the best of the three, Salem High School. Salem was the first high school built on the college-sized campus in 1970, then called Plymouth-Salem High School. We are the Salem "Rocks" because of the large rock in front of the building. Some make fun of our mascot, but that is because they are too blind to see the originality. They also might be jealous of our great turn around for sports. We are also the only school at the Park with a State Championship in football. Some notable alumni include, American actor, chef, and fiancΓ© of Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka as well as all four members of the band TwentyForSeven. I could go on and on about how great Salem is, I love being a Rock!

Student #1: Hey, what school do you go to?

Student #2: Haha P-CEP problems! I go to Salem High School.

Student #1: Lucky!

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Salem High School

High school in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Has a lot of big black guys who think they run shit. Full of pill poppers and weed smokers, you will most likely find at least one kid popping a pill in your class everyday. Salem has some of the chillest people you will meet though.

Salem high school. Aderral, zannies, concerta, oxy's, hydro's

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