Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Saheb?

A person who is a style icon, a genius, a person you can go to for all your problems. This person tends to be very freaky in bed

Hi Saheb, did you go rave last night

👍25 👎11

Saheb - meme gif

Saheb meme gif

Saheb - video


Saheb - what is it?

a rare species of pig.
he wrote Indian constitution by copy-pasting!

baba saheb looks like a pig!

👍79 👎41

What does "Saheb" mean?

-a noun
a word used as slang in the Bay Area of Northern California to describe a "homie." It comes straight from the Arabic language and means trusted friend. It is an example of "Bayrabic" often used by popular bay Area artist E-40.

"Wut it do saheb, long time no see."

👍115 👎57

Saheb - what does it mean?


HI saheb, how are you ?

👍25 👎11