Definder - what does the word mean?

What is STUSSY?

The insertion hole between the legs of the ragdoll man named Stanley

"Yeah you could say I'm a Muppetfucker, I went to town on Stanley's Stussy and then ate the stuffing out of it"

👍33 👎13

STUSSY - meme gif

STUSSY meme gif

STUSSY - video


STUSSY - what is it?

stinky pussy.

Damn, who got a stussy in here?

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What does "STUSSY" mean?

A sexy hustler. This can be masculine or feminine.

"Damn... That woman was stussy!"
"Girl, he is stussy as fuck"

👍27 👎11

STUSSY - what does it mean?

Stomach + pussy. Used for people on their period, or people wanting to add pussy onto anything else.

Jane: "Ugh, my stussy hurts so much."
Jack: "Your what?"
Jane: "My stomach and pussy!"

👍35 👎13

STUSSY - meaning

Cool, trill, chill. (In the damn Daniel video the brand Stussy.)

"Sorry for dropping a tomato on your shirt!" "It's Stussy man"

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STUSSY - definition

ubercool clothing brand that explores the middle ground between preppy and street and whose style embraces skating, grafitti and dj culture.

"damn daniel, back at it again with the white vans! stussy man"

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STUSSY - slang

A ratchet or dirty girl. Having a stanky vagina.

That girl is straight stussie!
This bar is filled with some stussie ass bitches!

👍25 👎11


Stussy is an adjective that implies a mix between gangsta-ghetto, and preppy.

Damn Daniel! Back at it again with the white vans! Stussy man!

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ubercool clothing brand that explores the middle ground between preppy and street and whose style embraces skating, grafitti and dj culture.

hey look a guy wearing a stussy shirt! where did he get that?

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Stussy: clothing brand that cost a fuck tone of money and will get stolen if you walk into Caboolture without a gun or a body guard

Da pussy will always go's for the Stussy.

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