Definder - what does the word mean?


When ninja has so much ego that he can’t comprehend anyone being better than him.

Tyler: if you leave this game now I won’t report you for stream sniping.

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STREAM SNIPING - what is it?

Gernader Jake's excuse for being killed in Trials

Dude in chat: "How did you get killed there, Jake?"
Gernader Jake: "Guy was stream sniping."

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What does "STREAM SNIPING" mean?

The real reason ninja switched to mixer

Ninja: no one uses mixer so I will no longer be a victim of stream sniping
His 3 year old fan base: bruh

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STREAM SNIPING - what does it mean?

When a person, usually famous is streaming a multiplayer video game and a person in the audience tries to get into the same game that the streamer is in and targets them, or tries to somehow talk to them.

Dude! This guy won't stop stream sniping me! He keeps on trying to kill me and only me!

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One who watches a Fortnite stream, usually on twitch or mixer, ques up in the same game, kills the streamer and taunts them in some way to get attention.

Writes report: Stream sniping, what an idiot ~ Ninja 2018

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STREAM SNIPING - definition

When Ninja gets killed in Fortnite

r Wait for the emote emote........ There it is you gotta love it when there is proof he is Stream Sniping

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to follow a person who is streaming gameplay footage (usually on twitch or ustream) into the same games, using their stream to find and harass them (often for hilarious results.)

"Do a can crush for Jay Owens in 30 seconds or you will be shot.... Oh my god, it's the same guy! He's stream sniping me!"

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Stream sniping is when someone watches your stream to get an upper hand to essentially cheat against you in a game. For example, they could find your position on an open-world map, find out where your base is, or even find out when you're low on health, so they can ambush you. It sucks. The deveopers of Rust, Facepunch Studios... are (to my knowledge), the first game developers to build a preventative measure against it into their game. They call it Streamer Mode.

Hey, its Edward Longface again! Ahhhh!!! Why did he shoot at me?! He probably knew my plan. He must be stream sniping!

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Ninja's excuse for being killed

spectator: BRO WHY DID U DIE
ninja: stream sniping

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one who is watching/following a streamer into a server or a game queue just to kill and taunt them.

"I recently had put which server i was going into forgetting about stream sniping and i was killed soon after spawn by a viewer."

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