Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SREE?

Adorable. Smiles like a kid, acts like a queen. Cool as Ice and can be hot as hell, as well..!! Love or Pain, keeps everything in heart. Has as heart, as soft as a sugar candy.

She looks like A Jaya Sree

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SREE - meme gif

SREE meme gif

SREE - video


SREE - what is it?

She is a beautiful and innocent hearted. She is friendly and a good companion

Sree Bhala is a good girlfriend

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What does "SREE" mean?

A beautiful preson having agreat simle
Who is lovable. This person makes around her happy

Pushpa sree has a nice smile

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SREE - what does it mean?

a back alley drug dealer that was known for always wearing a kilt.

my friend says he is going to wear a kilt and i said he was totally shaman sree.

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SREE - meaning

My love ❤️

Someone to harika : who is your best one ?
Harika replies : pragnya sree

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SREE - definition

Aathe sree is a kind person and really stubborn. She is a great friend and very very very beautiful and cute

She is so cute she must be Aathe sree

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SREE - slang


Sree Anhuradhaa is so short, she could be a dwarf.

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worst val player boosted to silver by two guys and down bad in bronze 2 cant get out deserves bronze 1.

sree is a shit val player

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extreme maximal ultimate
during metalcore vocalist break

SREE SREEEEEEEE reereee breeeeee sreee sresresresresreee reee SREE

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The most sexy, amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, funny, talented, badass, smart, crazy, starry eyed person ever. Sree's make great friends. They help you out in times of need and expect nothing in return, for they are altruistic badasses. Their sense of humour is unparalleled. They are the best people to rely on. They are strongly opinionated on things that matter to them. When they give advice, it's usually for the best.

"Dude, that chick is so Sree!"

"Sree's are scientifically proven to be awesome."

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