Definder - what does the word mean?

What is harika?

The inventor of everything USB.
Most famous for the USB water chiller, the USB rubbish compactus, The USB Card Shuffler etc...

Man Did you check out the latest Harika 3.0?

Its enables you to save that extra 13M.

👍31 👎15

harika - meme gif

harika meme gif

harika - video


Harika - what is it?

A snoat cow.
Ruler of the earth/universe.
My mom.


👍27 👎15

What does "harika" mean?

The smol Child in my class.

Awwww its Harika she is so small

👍31 👎15

Harika - what does it mean?

The naughtiest girl out there. Be careful! She can kill you with her eyes. She is usually the hottest and cutest person in her friends group. But at the same time she has a good heart. She likes guys who fart loudly. She usually puts her hands in her nose and sticks her boogers all over. She likes to drink pig blood.

Guy: Hey how nasty is that girl!
Friend: Eew... That must be a Harika!

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Harika - meaning

A sexy young girl usually with an incredible ass. She is a charmer in and out.

look at that ass! she is definetely a harika!

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Harika - definition

An absolute meanie, so mean that she can kill you just with her looks

Kevin was obviously very scared of Harika because she was very mean

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Harika - slang

an extremely hot girl who totally understands any guy. She is the perfect girlfirend who you can be around with and never be bored. She accepts you for who you are and she is incredibly sexy.

i love harika

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In India, Harika is often an individual of true beauty, both inside and out. one who is able to charm others in a second, generally with her eyes and smile. She is good with her words, cunning, and able to convince others into doing what she wishes.

in Hindi, it can also mean 'beauty' often describing song or music.

She was being quite a Harika, quickly acquiring a group of followers with her clever words and enchanting smile.

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