Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SOSS?

When you don't use your brain capacity and vote for Socialdemokraterna. Swedish people who didn't born with brain in head.

-Hi, Steffe! Who did you vote for in election?
-I vote for Socialdemokraterna!
-Eww, you fudging sosse! Do you not have brain cells?!

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SOSS - meme gif

SOSS meme gif

SOSS - video


SOSS - what is it?

shown to convey the act of being OWNED, BURNED, or SCHOOLED.

Kris is dribbling the ball down court, then throws it at Rutledge's face, catches it, and swooshes a 3, then says "SOSS!!!!"

Conor tricks Kaleigh into believing something, but it's not true. He follows it up with "SOSS!!!"

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What does "SOSS" mean?

The way you throw yourself onto a bed or sofa usually remaining in the same position you landed in.

'Stop sossing on the bed I just made that'

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SOSS - what does it mean?

What you call the prime minister of Sweden

Magdalena Andersson is such a sosse

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SOSS - meaning

Acronym - Sign(s) Of Super Staff. Originated as a way to encourage staff members to be helpful and energetic.

n. soss
adj. sossy, soss-tastic, soss-alistic, soss-adelic, etc.

n. "Tyler is all that is soss - he is the epitome of soss."
adj. "Dave is so sossy! He helped cover for other counselors when they were needed elsewhere!"

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SOSS - definition

Soss is a norwegian word that means ritch spoiled kid!

ĂĽhh han der e sĂĽ soss han fĂŚr alt han he lyst pĂĽ!
that guy is soss he gets everything he wants!

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SOSS - slang

A person who is generally embarassing and a burden to society. Although socialist oriented , some nowadays unique variants of Sosse, may be theoretically wealthy. A typical Sosse is in his behaviour very cheap often trying to take advantage of normal citizens ( that is tax payers).

In McDonald's: Look at the dude, he is walking the restaurant asking for people's free coffee stickers. What a Sosse!

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Alternative spelling of sauce

"juice is temporary, soss is forever"

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Norwegian word for people that are rich and spoiled

Used as a negative word

Man, that guys such a soss! he gets everything he wants!

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SOSS stands for "Something Original Something Symbolic".

Aye what's that Hoodie you're wearing bruv?
This is a Sossboy hoodie.
What's Sossboy?
Pi'erre Bourne's clothing brand.
And what does SOSS stand for?
SOSS stands for "Something Original Something Symbolic".
Ohh okay, thanks bro

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