Definder - what does the word mean?


when your friend is banging a girl, you break in, push the girl off and wack his erect penis with a stick

ohhhh doug, my dick still hurts from when you dick stick slapped me last night

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SLAP STICK - video


SLAP STICK - what is it?

artistic being, your artistic aura sometimes sent by divine inspiration or puppy love, but mostly sent by paranormal thoughts

"my slap and stick is being good today with the Roswell happenings"

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What does "SLAP STICK" mean?

When kids get spoiled by their parents and don't take responsibility for themselves, I come in and slap them with a stick, thus the slap stick is born.

Prep: Moooommmmm, I want ANOTHER POLO!!
(Cue in Door's Peace Frog for background music)
Mom: Okay sweetie, put it in the basket.
Badass Slap Stick Carrier (IE: me): Bitch! You will SIT DOWN. SIT DOWN.

Then I slap the kid with my slap stick.

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SLAP STICK - what does it mean?

when some one is so ugly you just want to slap the living shit out of them with a stick!

holy shit! that bitch is ugly! SLAP STICK SLAP STICK!

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SLAP STICK - meaning

When a penis is used in a movement that creates a slapping sound against certain surfaces, and thus being 'A Slap Stick'..Or a 'Stick Slapper.!! or... ' Stick Slapping'.if this is done by more than one member!!! .. This is seen more common with people that have a length advantage over people with a girth advantage. But this is purely speculation and obviously depends on how people can manipulate their sticks!!!

They say..As long as you have a stick.... everyone can be what they want to beโ€ฆโ€ฆ.They say..there is โ€˜Slap Stickโ€™ in everone!!!!!!!...... Just Believe!!

One girlfriend says to anotherโ€ฆ.โ€Oh pleaseโ€ฆ. Thatโ€™s one โ€˜Slap Stickโ€™ of a Man I need to Knowโ€ฆโ€ฆ Nameโ€ฆ now !! Sister!!

2) A Brother to another..... Keep your 'slapping Stick' to yourself Bro... It's sound but just not my beat!! Ya Feel Meee?? x

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SLAP STICK - definition

when a man is about to jizz and the girl is un aware of it and he hits her in the mouth with it. basicly she uses it like "chapstick"

hey babe, would you like some....SLAP STICK!!?

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