Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SKATE 3?

A game that people play because they cant skate on a goddamn skateboard.

Jake Paul:can you do darkcatch EA. Skate 3. oooohhhhohhh????

Me: Go fuck yourself

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SKATE 3 - video


SKATE 3 - what is it?

a game that use to skate because you cant skate worth a damn


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What does "SKATE 3" mean?

A game that surprisingly has nothing to do with skateboarding

"Skate 3:A game that has nothing to do with actuall skateboarding"

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SKATE 3 - what does it mean?

Probably one of the most underrated xbox 360 games of them all. it’s a skate boarding game where you go around the map and do challenges and sell the most boards, or mess around online and do glitches/cheat

Dude, I was just playing Skate 3 and it was awesome. i did a 1080 miracle whip!

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SKATE 3 - meaning

Skate 3 is surprisingly a fucking skate board game

Nerd: CN u do an froontflip on skate 3???

Man: I don't give two shits

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