Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SHLURP?

What Matthew does to my exceedingly large phallus

"wow, the only thing Matthew does is shlurp my shmeat!"

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SHLURP - video


SHLURP - what is it?

Suck ya homies dick.
No homo though

I’m down to shlurp the Brodie real good.

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What does "SHLURP" mean?

When, at the completion of intercourse, the male party attempts to arise to dispose of semen on his torso, the female counterpart then, without warning, abruptly begins aggressively licking off sed liquid as a means of cleaning up.

White College Basketball Wash-Up: "Oh shit I just came. My bad, I usually last more than just forty-five seconds. I'm normally more of a half-hour sex-haver."
~Proceeds to get up and look for a towel~
Thot: "Stop! Let me give you The Sharma Shlurp!"

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SHLURP - what does it mean?

1.) this means i love you bitch text me back more because i miss you.πŸ’œπŸ’œ.


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SHLURP - meaning

Sucking a turd out of someone’s ass through A straw.

Shlurped it like a man.

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SHLURP - definition

a gay man taking a stray and inserting it into another gay man's buttox. Then SHLURP IT OUT!!!

Hey honey lets shlurp after we scre each other tonight.

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SHLURP - slang

Much like shnuggle, reversed for couples who are very deeply in love to the point where they use cute, childlike variations of words. Generally a kiss where the female somehow uses her tongue, not completly different from frenching.

"Oh you look so adorable today..lemme shlurp you!!"

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Sexual slang for "make-out"

Hey, wanna shlurp.
Oh yeah

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A small fruit jello cup

Eat a shlurp with me.

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To drink directly from a faucet, hose, or water fountain is a noisy, sucking method.

movie Barefoot in the Park: "Except we don't have any glasses either. You could put your head under the sink and just shlurp."

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