Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shnuggle?

A lovely beautiful woman that is as cute and lovable as a super fluffy kitty.

When I crawled into bed with my little baby shnuggle puff I felt like I was surrounded by a hundred freshly fluffed kitty meows.

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shnuggle meme gif

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Shnuggle - what is it?

A monster knitted by the health fairy. He snuggles with the sick and makes them feel all better with cuddles and kisses.

His main mode of transport is upon a rainbow, but has been known to use moonbeams and starlight.

He comes in all different colours and enjoys many activities such as pie eating, drumming, dancing and rollerskating.

oh no, what do you mean you are ill? hopefully the shnuggle monster will take your pain away

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What does "shnuggle" mean?

A person who looks so cute and warm and fluffy you just want to curl up in their arms.

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Lulu and Geena walked through the crowded hall looking for Chuck. They spotted him standing near the door looking very huggable. "Hey, shnuggle bunny!!!" Lulu called, joy rising in her small rapidly beating heart. Chuck turned red and shifted on his massive feet in a queer way. Geena giggled irritatingly and ran over to where Chuck stood. She hugged and whispered, "You are my shnuggle Bunny, baby!"

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Shnuggle - what does it mean?

it's like a snuggle, 'cept you mean it more cuz you feel kinda like a baby while doing it. It's meant to be loving and promoting love.

"Aw, Brad!" said Macy and gave him a shuggle.

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Shnuggle - meaning

A perfect hug to symbolise true love. A single shnuggle with the right person can make your day!

Andy and Ellie love to shnuggle and use it as a way of expressing their love.

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Shnuggle - definition

To Shnuggle, the art of a truly perfect hug. cute, and warm. or If one of the shnuggled is cold, the shnuggle warms up that person.

eg. I cant wait for thom to get here, i want to shnuggle with him

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Shnuggle - slang

A much more silly and disorted version of snuggle. Generally used by younger couples who are deeply in love or by homosexuals.

Usualy found very irritating by people who do not understand it. On rare occasions, it foreshadows sex.

"I dunno about that..but i'd sure like to shnuggle you!"

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when desert rain frogs stack on top of each other as a form of mating

the frogs are having a shnuggle

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