Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SHIZA?

You use the word Shiza, when something bad happens similar to OMG.

Pronounced: (sh/eye/za)

"Shiza, that almost hit me you idiot!"

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SHIZA - meme gif

SHIZA meme gif

SHIZA - video


SHIZA - what is it?

What uninformed people write trying to represent the German word, "Scheisse", which means shit.

Scheisse! Another internet intellectual just used shiza again.

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What does "SHIZA" mean?

Most assuredly not a German word, as asserted by the douchebags previous to me. Shiza, literally, means nothing in German, as in - of course - that it holds no meaning. Saying "shiza" to a German person will warrant you an odd look, and possibly an insult.

(Dip shit) SHIZA! SHIZA!

(Reasonable person) Shut up, fucktard; that's not an actual word in any language, at least not in the context in which you use it.

(Dip shit) Yes it is! It's German!

(Reasonable Person) Sigh, there's no point in trying to persuade you.

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SHIZA - what does it mean?

What stupid kids say when they want to act cool and act like they know German, but they really don't.

"roffle omg dude u essen shiza!"

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SHIZA - meaning

You use the word Shiza, when something bad happens similar to OMG.

Pronounced: (sh/eye/za)

"Shiza, that almost hit me you idiot!"

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SHIZA - definition

A German cuss word meaning shit. To be used as an alternetive to saying shit

You damn Shiza! Why the hell did you do that?!

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SHIZA - slang

Derived from the German cuss word "Scheiße" meaning "shit".

You look like shiza! = You poor thing don't look so well... ;)

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another way to say "oh-my-goodness" or "wow"

"Shiza look at that guy!"

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The name Shiza is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Shiza is: This gift.

My beautiful daughter is called Shiza

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Pronounced shy-za meaning shit

wat it dookie my ninja dem whistlen tips right thur iz tha shiza

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