Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SHAYA?

Said (Sh-ai-ya wear-na). A word taken from the South African language, Zulu, which means to watch out or else I will hit you.

Albert was behaving badly at the back of the classroom when Miss Greentower shouted at him 'shaya wena'!

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SHAYA - meme gif

SHAYA meme gif

SHAYA - video


SHAYA - what is it?

A person who f*cks up all the time

Oh don’t be a shaya

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What does "SHAYA" mean?

Shaya is the cutest mfer you'll ever meet. She's so gorgeous and perfect , and I don't know if she'll ever see her own beauty. At first shy and innocent, but when you get to know her she's the opposite of that. No cuz she's so beautiful and smart and I Hope she sees that one daybavsgagafa.

Anyone : Hey , do you know shaya ?

Me : No


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SHAYA - what does it mean?

something you would shout as a feeling of cloud-nine ecstasy- pure joy.


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SHAYA - meaning

Shaya is a wonderful person that has beauty and brains , with a soft spot for her loved ones . She’s a big party girl who’s outgoing and down for anything!

Shaya is beautiful

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SHAYA - definition


Shaya is the top g

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SHAYA - slang

A sexy brunette who loves to party and have a good time. Generally loves hot boys, and loves to flirt. Wishes she had a boyfriend, and loves listening to her music extra loud in the Safeway carpark.

"Hey, do you know Shaya"
"Yeah man, I could hear her car from a mile away"

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A brunette who is very intelligent and authentic. She tries to be positive about everything and makes others feel good. She has a great sense of humour and is often very very shy.

Do you know Shaya?
-do you mean the shy one?

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A hot brunette who loves to party and have fun!
She has a mind of her own, and she always gets what she wants!

Brunette Sexy Independent

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Most gorgeous human being anyone will ever meet! Shaya is beautifully presented, mature, and all natural.

Omg it’s Shaya!

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