Definder - what does the word mean?


When smoking weed from a pipe and a piece of the bud comes through the pipe and down your throat/windpipe. Which can cause you to cough and look like an amature smoker.

Stephan: Dude i thought you smoked all the time, you made us look bad in front of those guys.
Leon:Dude im good, it was a scoobie snack from your shitty, wack ass pipe.
Stephan: ... my bad.

👍153 👎79



SCOOBY SNACK - what is it?

When you fart in your hand and put your hand in someone's face

I gave Jack a scooby snack when he was sleeping and he puked

👍43 👎13

What does "SCOOBY SNACK" mean?

It is a sexual act you perform with your partner. It is when you (The Shaggy) put peanut butter on your shaft and testicles and then you're significant other (The Scooby) licks it off like the famous cartoon character Scooby Doo. At the point of climax, The Shaggy is expected yell "Zoinks!" to notify The Scooby that they have climaxed.

"Hey, you want a Scooby-Snack?"

👍39 👎15

SCOOBY SNACK - what does it mean?

a piece of marijuana that is either drawn through a pipe, or a joint. also pertains to people who eat weed and get bits in their teeth.

whats wrong?

*pulls something off tounge*
just got a scooby snack.

👍521 👎273

SCOOBY SNACK - meaning

1) Northeastern U.S. slang for Valium (AKA diazepam) tablets and/or Vicodin tablets. Can be heard in various songs, including the Fun Lovin' Criminals song, "Scooby Snacks."
2) Occasionally used to refer to Quaaludes.
3) A hash brownie

1) "Running around robbing banks, all wacked off of Scooby Snacks!" - "Scooby Snacks" by the Fun Lovin' Criminals.
2.) That's okay! Another Scooby Snack, and she'll love me again!
3.) Dude, these are some tasty Scooby Snacks

👍417 👎187

SCOOBY SNACK - definition

The infamous dog biscuts of the 70's Scooby-Doo tv show. Now recognized as weed brownies.

If you think about it, this makes sense. Why could the gang hear Scooby talk? Why were Shag and Scoob always hungry?

👍1003 👎461


In the pot culture a scooby snack is the ash sucked into one's mouth during the act of smoking a marijuana pipe, especially on the last hit when the bowl is finished

Damn dude that bowl was beat you shouldn't have handed it to me I just got an awful scooby snack.

👍295 👎121


Ash that a stoner accidentally sucks from his/her pipe.

"I took a heavy hit, but I got a lot of scoobie snacks."

👍225 👎73


when your smoking a bowl with no screen and pieces of weed goes into your mouth ....(not a good thing)

"yo man your bowl gives me mad scooby snacks"

👍2751 👎855


When you inhale and weed gets in your mouth

Dude I just got scooby snacks

I just scooby snacks and it taste like shit lol

👍99 👎17