Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SCALENE?

a joke referring to the scalene triangle. originated by tumblr user coolscar, in a number of homestuck related posts. is well-known due to the confusion it causes.

hipster: what the hell does "ah yes the scalene triangle" mean? its all over tumblr
homestucker: its a homestuck reference, dont bother.

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SCALENE - meme gif

SCALENE meme gif

SCALENE - video


SCALENE - what is it?


A human hand has scalenous fingers.

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What does "SCALENE" mean?

Ah, the scalene triangle.

Person: Ah, the scalene triangle.

👍95 👎15

SCALENE - what does it mean?

lopsided; uncomfortable; off-balance; disappointing

I tried to express my feelings, but other people got the wrong impression and I left feeling misunderstood and scalene.

👍59 👎17

SCALENE - meaning

(adjective) having abnormal characteristics; negatively judged for behaving in a way that contradicts social norms; strange. Describes a person or idea that sticks out (in a negative way) from what society thinks or does.

Bob: "I like mixing ketchup and toothpaste together and using it on my pizzas."
Billy: "Bob that is the most scalene idea I have ever heard in my life."

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