Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SACE?

Diverting a conversation into a dead end from which there is no return to the subject at hand.

Are you cul de sacing me again? I was trying to make a point!

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SACE - meme gif

SACE meme gif

SACE - video


SACE - what is it?

Sace(as in Versace) is saying that one is good, aite, or okay.

Represent I'm Sace with your Versace Shades!

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What does "SACE" mean?

Rapper from Houston that came up off his hit singleFoenem

I wish Lil Sace would drop more music again. He could be as big as Juice Wrld

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SACE - what does it mean?

a woman of the most exquisited appeal

That girl is a sace

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SACE - meaning

The act of putting a ball sack to a face

Hey what's that noise.oh that's just jack and Felix saceing

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SACE - definition

To intentionally dis or otherwise insult a person.

Mike: Bro your girl is pretty fucking ugly
Tom: Why are you sacing me dude

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SACE - slang

The combination of the words: sack and face.

Dude, you put your sack on his face? SACE!

I think I might have a sace sandwich today.

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When a face and a sack are touching.

You should come over later, we can do a double sace with Bill.

"Sace on rack, put it in the back." - Anon.

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When something's dope it's (Ver)sace - because Gucci is too 2016

"Damn P that outfit's so Sace"

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South Australia's official certification for university entry, stands for: Successful Achievement Comes Easily. A good alternative to the International Baccalaureate.

A: Hey! Why are you doing SACE and not doing IB like me?
B: Because I don't wanna have unneccesary workload, Successful Achievement Comes Easily

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