Definder - what does the word mean?

What is S&E?

A term used by people who don’t like calling people straight out assholes.

Why do you need to be such an arse?

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S&E - meme gif

S&E meme gif

S&E - video


S&E - what is it?

- a slur. it is very offensive to swag people. don't say it.

I won't type it because, like I said, it is an offensive slur.

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What does "S&E" mean?

1. what porn stars are paid to do
2. what most people like to do for money or for pleasure
3. to fuck
side effects: orgasms babies

i had sex with a really hot chick last night

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S&E - what does it mean?

Someone Elses Problem

The customer won't fix that part of the car, now it's S E P.

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S&E - meaning

When the penis goes up into the vagina letting sperm find the eggs often causing pregnancy. Sex usually happens in the closet or anywhere when people from the opposite sex or same sex are "horny" see horny for detials.

erwin dreams of having sex.

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S&E - definition

Something all men want and all women can get !

Man - do you want to have sex

Woman - not until i want it

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S&E - slang

a title used to designate that girl who is both short and easy (s&e), and sleeps with every and any guy that she sees, is extremely disgusting and has the most annoying voice anyone could possibly here, should normally is seen wearing a bag over her head

hey, did you here what happened to john last night?
yeah, i heard that s&e cornered him, sucks!
yea, his eyes will stink for weeks

i heard that an s&e was on the loose...someone get her mask!

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Term used to describe any consensual sexual encounter(s) between individuals of legal age. Primarily used by those in their 30's and above due to them being too DAMN old to say shit like "hook-up"(s)

I had to clean my bedroom because Nikki is coming over later tonight for a......S/E 🀫🀭

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Easy Way For Cool Kid To Tell Save And Exit In The Game Diablo 2

Omg I own you noob , s/e plz

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S/E: Save And Exit. A word meaning to Quit, Giveup, Your Garbage, You Suck, Noob.

My new acronym: S/E "Save And Exit"

Meaning, Quit, Giveup, Your Garbage.

Used in the gaming community.

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