Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rusty spoon?

Waking up spooning, stuck together by dried blood between each others nether regions.

The rusty spoon gets me every time.

👍39 👎33

Rusty spoon - video


Rusty spoon - what is it?

when u get wasted at a party and pass out. The next morning you awake with some sort of silverware(mainly a spoon)up your ass for no aparent reason.

Chris:"how was the party last nite?"
Aaron:"pretty good, except for me wakin up with a rusty spoon!"
Dillon:my pants smell like fish tacos

👍125 👎213

What does "Rusty spoon" mean?

Spooning with your girlfriend when she is on her period.

Man #1: I didn't want it, but Jessica gave me A Rusty Spoon last night.
Man #2: Ugghh, that sounds terrible!

👍29 👎13

Rusty spoon - what does it mean?

The act of engaging in anal sex while the female involved is menstruating

Friend 1: The missus is PMSing like a sacrificial goat on heat!
Friend 2: That sucks! What are you going ro do about it?
Friend 1: I'll give her a RUSTY SPOON later, that always cheers her up.
*friends high five each other and get back to work*

👍45 👎33

Rusty spoon - meaning

a man uses a spoon to remove excess cum from the women, lets it dry on the table, and then uses it to serve her breakfast the next morning

that bitch sucked at giving head so i gave her the rusty spoon with her wheaties

👍133 👎179

Rusty spoon - definition

a word that symbolises someone who has not had any sexual intercourse for a long period of time, thus affected his skill in the bedroom, or having sexual intercourse.

jessica: make love to me.

dan: okay, but i doubt youll enjoy it as much as you used to, i havnt had sex in a long time, so im a bit of a rusty spoon now.

jessica: nevermind then.

👍129 👎125

Rusty spoon - slang

While spooning, the one in the front shits on the one in the back (unknowingly). When they wake up, the poo becomes crusted, enabling rusty spoonage.

"Aww man you just rusty spooned me!!!"

"Damn bro im sorry, i had no idea!"

👍105 👎87

Rusty spoon

When you spoon with a REALLY old person

"During my time camping, I WAS rusty spooning my grandma"

👍35 👎13

Rusty spoon

A phrase that expresses your orgasmic love for something.
May also be used in suggestive concept.

Becca: charmander is just RUSTY SPOONS
Emily: I know !

Becca: Rusty Spoons ?
Emily: Let's wait until my parents leave.

SaladFingers: I like Rusty Spoons

👍195 👎99

Rusty spoon

Literally just a spoon that is rusted, not some weird word that means something else.

My friend collects rusty spoons. She likes to make up stories of how the spoons became rusted, though some stories are very outlandish, there are worse things to do.

👍49 👎17