Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Roux?

He is a guy with a lot of talent! He is extremely cute and all of the ladies fall for him. But HE'S NOT GAY. He will choose one girl and like her till the end of her days. He is also extremely sexy and can make any girl fall in love with him. He is also extremely sweet and will show you so many ways to prove it. Roux is always hiding something BIG but he only lets a few people in. If you're lucky enough to get a Roux, hold on to him tight. Because he will move on from you in a blink of an eye.

Girl 1: Omg is that Roux? He is so cute!
Girl 2: Awwww, he's taking care of that bunny on the street!
Girl 3: give up girls. He already said he likes me. (1 and 2 walk away in sadness.

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Roux - meme gif

Roux meme gif

Roux - video


Roux - what is it?

The name roux is given to sexy men who look good no matter where they are or what they wear. Roux will have a great caring personality and most likely be gay. All women will want him but due to his homosxuality he will rather hook up with another guy. Most will be unaware of this due to his masculine looks.

That guy is such a Roux, just look at how hot he is.

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What does "Roux" mean?

The most epic way of saying Robux an in game currency in Roblox where you can buy anything you want and beg your mom to buy more.


mom what are roux


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Roux - what does it mean?

It means alot of robux but its also a way to make a stock in cooking

Chef:"Now add the milk and flower to the pan of buttern to make a roux."
Me: Ha, Loser imagine playing ROBLOX 2020+.
Girl: what
Chef: Who are you and why are you in my kitchen?

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Roux - meaning

How cool kids say Robux on Roblox

Jupiter_kittys: I'll give you roux if you touch that IKEA worker.
SuperRobloxMan07: Epic

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Roux - definition

A word made by the youtuber Flamingo meaning robux

"I have BIG roux BIG."~Flamingo

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Roux - slang

Roux is robux without the b, roux is powerful, roux is the correct spelling, roux is how you pronounce, roux is the best, all hail the robux without the b....


random player: Roux?😏

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When In Doubt Enter Password For The Roux.

Can I have f o r t y and h u n d r e d roux

👍37 👎17


A type of currency used in ROBLOX, a funnier way of saying Robux.

Its true meaning is "a mixture of fat (especially butter) and flour used in making sauces."

I'm BIG roux, your small roux.

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Roux- a way to say robux but easier and usually used by the lord Flamingo (albertsstuff)

“I have roux now

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