Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rocket Pop?

The art of masturbating with the help of fruit.

Guy 1:I alabama pop rocket all the time.
Guy 2: Same here!

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Rocket Pop - video


Rocket Pop - what is it?

When a guy dips his dick into a bag of coke and a girl sucks it off

Last night I got a Columbian rocket pop. It kinda reminded me of the time I got a Peruvian snow cone.

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What does "Rocket Pop" mean?

Hood slang for getting an erection.

"Damn, that girl got me popping rocket!"

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Rocket Pop - what does it mean?

Sex position: eagle with a broken wing then…


Vibrator in the bum


Eagle with a broken wing was old until I gave her the rocket pop.

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Rocket Pop - meaning

Sex position: eagle with a broken wing then…


Vibrator in the bum


Eagle with a broken wing was old until I gave her the rocket pop.

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Rocket Pop - definition

When you choke your dick out until it turns blue, do a line of coke off of it and stick it in a girl on her period. In that order.

I had to shower 6 times last night after my girl wanted to try a rocket pop.

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Rocket Pop - slang

Penis, male genitals.

Girl jump on my pop rocket

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Rocket Pop

When you cum in an ice cold bitch and your dick becomes covered in frozen blood and cum with a hint of blue at the base due to frostbite from her frigid fuckhole. Now, your penis resembles the classic American treat β€œRocket Pop”

β€œBro every time I fucked my Ex it always ended with a South Pole Rocket Pop.”

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