Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Road Apples?

when one has some beer left but they must hit the road either by foot or car. they brown bag it or just bring it with them anyway.

hey do you mind if i bring my road apple with us on the ride?

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Road Apples - video


Road Apples - what is it?

A woman who looks as though she has been around the block 10 times on her hands and knees. Ugly faced redneck-y slut type woman with no couth. Easy bee-yatch.

Carls' new girlfriend is a road apple, she needs to learn some manners.

👍49 👎131

What does "Road Apples" mean?

A person that drives slow in the fast lane and holds up traffic.

This road Apple needs to get out of the way!

👍29 👎15

Road Apples - what does it mean?

A computer device with an embedded Trojan Horse left in a conspicuous location.

Sheila thought she found a missing disk labeled "payroll data" on the bathroom floor of her company. When she put it in her computer, it launched a Trojan and compromised her computer. She just bit a Road Apple.

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Road Apples - meaning

One of the essential ingredients for a friendly game of barnyard golf.

After collecting a few road apples, we had a game of barnyard golf.

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Road Apples - definition

A polite way of saying "Horse Shit"

During a conversation where one person continually talks about themselves, or gives out some questionable info.

"He/she sure dumped a load of road apples on us today."

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Road Apples - slang

a lump of horse excrement

Watch out for the road apples on the street.

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Road Apples

a horse turd in the road. more of a rural phenomenon.

nice road apple you stepped in there, tough guy.

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Road Apples

horse shit on the road

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Road Apples

Horse poop - normally found in the middle or on the side of country roads in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

When you drive through Amish country there are still horse drawn buggies and occasional piles of road apples.

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