Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Revision?

Modern day method to waste time and 'recap' over all those topics you've been 'learning' all year usually in preparation for a text or exam. For most students, resulting in no help whatsoever when sitting the test the next day.

Thus student failing test anyway because revising is innefective due to student thinking about their crush/dinner/myspace/friends for the duruation of the revision period whilst blankly reading through text and making notes they will later misplace.

''But didn't you do any revision? why have you gotten this U again Eleanor?''

''I just dont know.''

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Revision - meme gif

Revision meme gif

Revision - video


Revision - what is it?

what I haven't done enough of this weekend

Louise is useless at revision

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What does "Revision" mean?

A way to get out of doing anything

Mum: Do the washing
Student: Sorry I have to revise

Dad: You've been on the computer all day
Student: Yeh! Coz I'm revising, idiot.

Mum: *inaudiable moaning about tidying room etc.*
Student: SHHHH NO talking I'm revising

Mum: You spend an awful lot of time at xxx's house
Student: Yeh, we revise together

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Revision - what does it mean?

student's version of Hell

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Revision - meaning

Probably what you should be doing right now...

Instead you come here to procrastinate.

Hmm I need to revise, hell lets look up revision at urbandictionary to waste some time.

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Revision - definition

Something you should be doing as your exams are tomorrow. But instead you're procrastinating by looking at revision tips on YouTube and not actually doing anything.

Mum: Have you done revision today?

You: yeah, i did some *insert subject you did a week ago*

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Revision - slang

A word used in My school, i doubt that any other school uses it. The word means to give someone a blowjob. Usually the teacher doesn’t know about it so peers will laugh at the teacher being annonymous about it.

Teacher: Okay I will now give you your textbooks
Boy: Sir do you do Revision?
(Whole class Laughs)

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Homework that accualy counts towards something.

Dude! i did some revision and i upped my grades from E's to B's

Good for you! i have to do a report that dosent get graded for anything...

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A code word to use for masturbating, more generally acceptable to use in public

I do a lot more revision the closer it gets to tests... it helps the stress

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Sitting and reading the crap you've been learning all year and taking none of it in, so you can do just as bad on whatever exam you're revising for as you would have done without it.

Mum: How did you get this U? I thought you did revision?

Tom: But I did mum! I did..

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