Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rama's?

Rama is the most beautiful and sweetest person you will ever know, she is loving and extremely caring. She will always support you with enthusiasm and love.

She is a very intelligent and talented girl who doesn't know. So special and unique that everything she does with her wonderful magical actions let every heart love her.
Rama is very loyal and will stick with you .
Rama has a very interesting personality She is a species unlike any other.

who you want to get to know with all your effort.

She is very emotional ,and that is why she always has compassion for others, she would never judge you without knowing your story. She is so adorable In every sense of the word.
I don't think you will understand how lucky you are if you have a rama by you side <3

Rama <3

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Rama's - meme gif

Rama's meme gif

Rama's - video


Rama's - what is it?

a tall, african american girl, who has glasses, and is funny and crazy.

guys, Rama is fucking crazy.

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What does "Rama's" mean?

A name of Goddess Laxmi, these girls have unlimited energy, focus, easily loved, can hide emotions well, knowledgeable, affectionate, determined, passionate, caring, artistic, patient, independent and a leader.

Who's that successful girl? -OH! That's Rama.

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Rama's - what does it mean?

Rama can pull any bitch she wants,

She is fine asf
Has kinda long hair
Is the only reason people still live
she is nice and has a attitude and will best any one’s ass

is that Rama?
Yea she’s so fine

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Rama's - meaning

Rama a person who has an heart that is filled with love and compassion for those around her and those who need it. She has an voice filled of truth for those who need to hear it. Further has Rama an immense inner and outer beauty. Those how speak of Rama are talking about beauty, love and compassion. These 3 are what divine truth wealth, that what Rama truly is.

Rama , the loving one.

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Rama's - definition

One of the avatars of Lord Vishnu who defeated Ravanasura.
Is a very popular and important Hindu God

Rama was considered to be the model among men . He was brave ,loyal ,honest ,loving ,held highest regard to truth , forgiving and generous

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Rama's - slang

Lord Rama is one of the most commonly adored gods of Hindus and is known as an ideal man and hero of the epic Ramayana.

He is always holding a bow and arrow indicating his readiness to destroy evils. He is also called "Shri Rama". More commonly he is pictured in a family style, (Ram Parivar) with his wife Sita, brother Lakshman and devotee Hanuman who is sitting near Lord Rama's feet.

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hot arab chick not alot of people have that name...sometimes name mistaken for indian...

who is that girl?
thats rama.

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He is one of the best and the smartest kid, he always takes care of his friends and parents.

But one amazing thing is that is predicted by a person act of god he will be a world best business dealer?

Rama is always a kind, cool friend

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Rama is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet inside and out. Her smile lights up any room she enters. Her heart is made of gold and she is a giver by nature. She is thoughtful and generous beyond belief. She is smart, talented, and gifted too. There’s really nothing Rama can’t do once she sets her mind to it. If you’re lucky enough to be loved by her, you will feel so blessed.

Rama’s like sunshine on a cloudy day

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