Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lakshman?

a guy who lacks literacy, ghosts girls, and is a true mod ting😗✌️

"yo do you know how long this mod ting left me on delivered"
"no how long"
"2 hours"
"damn u must be dealing with a lakshman"

👍29 👎25

Lakshman - meme gif

Lakshman meme gif

Lakshman - video


Lakshman - what is it?

Kevin G from Mean girls

1.hes indian
2. he thinks he's black (o wait,he is black)
3.he raps
4. he's good at math

👍65 👎59

What does "Lakshman" mean?

someone who is well rounded and able to succeed in most areas in life, whether it be education, girls or partying. He/she is also able to charm people with his both his wit and his generosity.

Something lakshman would say:
"you smell like death"

👍177 👎37